Hiya...I was wondering if anybody has been able to make a trnslation of this song yet? I have searched for hours to see if somebody has made one and cant find it, would you be so kind as to help me please....many thanks in advance
Hiya...I was wondering if anybody has been able to make a trnslation of this song yet? I have searched for hours to see if somebody has made one and cant find it, would you be so kind as to help me please....many thanks in advance
Bin Parça --Thousand pieces
Kaybolur zamanla kaybolur
in time it will dissappear , dissapear
Kalbinde o kuytu köşelerde geçerken bak
the quiet corners in your heart , feel while passing by
Acım orda mı hala duruyor mu
is my sorrow there ,still remaining?
Uzayıp giden hasrete hiç benziyor mu
does it feel like the longing which continues on and on
Bilmem ki gerçekten seven
i dont understand , wasnt it me who loved you unconditionally
Ben değil miydim seni bir tanem
wasnt it me? my only one
Kabullendim karşındayım
i have accepted , facing you
Boyun eğdim ey sana kader
i ve submitted to you oh Fate
Ve sonunda kaldım yapayalnız bin parça
and at the end here i am by myself thousand pieces
Hayatın aşk adına öğrettiği bambaşka
it is way different while life shows in name of love
Kurtulur zamanla kurtulur
in time it will smooth ayaw, smooth away,
Dokunur rüzgarıyla geçerken aşk
wind will touch love while passing by
Hüzün orada mı hala yanıyor mu
saddness is there , still burning
Bırakıp giden kalbin bizi arıyor mu
your heart which left (us) still missing us?
Thank you so much mixvillain for such a quick reply, i am very grateful!!!
all the best
=Nectarphine;629275]Thank you so much mixvillain for such a quick reply, i am very grateful!!!
all the best
yw my friendi also love this song ... enjoy