Kad sunce sija
mi plačemo kao ludi,
jer će uvek posle jednog sunca
biti nama jedna strašna kiša.
Kad kiša pada
mi pevamo kao ludi,
jer će uvek posle jedne kiše
biti nama jedno lepo sunce.
Posle dobrog uvek dođe loše,
jer nikad nam ništa bolje
nije bilo iza najboljeg.
Posle lošeg mora doći dobro,
jer nikad nam ništa gore
nije bilo iza najgoreg.

When the sun shines,
we cry like crazy,
because, always, after a sun,
we get a terrible rain.
When it rains,
we sing like crazy,
because, always, after a rain,

we get a beautiful sun.
After good, always bad comes,
because nothing better

ever came after the best.
After bad, good must come,
because nothing worse

ever came after the worst.

Važno je, možda, i to da znamo:
čovek je željen tek ako želi -
i ako sebe celoga damo,
tek tada i možemo biti celi.
Saznaćemo tek ako kažemo
reči iskrene, istovetne.
I samo onda kad i mi tražimo,
moći će neko i nas da sretne.

It might be good to know this too
We are desired only when we desire
And if we give ourselves completely
only then can we be complete

We will find the truth, only when we say
words true, identical

And only when we also search
only then someone might meet us too

And here are some more of my translations of poems by the same Serbian poet: Miroslav Antic - pesme