Russian Lyrics and Translation Needed: Osennie List-Ia (Alla Pugacheva)

Thread: Russian Lyrics and Translation Needed: Osennie List-Ia (Alla Pugacheva)

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  1. erwin1350 said:

    Default Russian Lyrics and Translation Needed: Osennie List-Ia (Alla Pugacheva)

    Hello there

    I'm looking for original lyrics of Alla Pugacheva's song "Osennie List-Ia" as well as its English translation. In case the song is unknown to you, please download and listen to the music from here: Alla Pugacheva- Osennie Listia.mp3

    Best Regards

  2. Sofia Persik said:


    Hey Erwin, i can write you original lyrics on russian, can u read on russian?
    if u can't, here u go:

    Осенние листья шумят и шумят в саду,
    Osennie listia shumiat i shumiat v sadu
    The autumn leafs are making and making noise in the garden

    Знакомой тропой я рядом с тобой иду.
    Znakomoi tropoi ya riadom s toboi idu
    I'm walking next to by the well known road

    |И счастлив лишь тот, в ком сердце поет,
    I sshasliv lish tot v kom serdse poiot
    And the happy person is that person whos heart is singing

    |С кем рядом любимый идет.
    S kem riadom liubimii idet
    And when this person's lover is going next to him

    Пусть годы проходят, живет на земле любовь.
    Pust godi prohodiat jivet na zemle liubov
    The years are going away but the love is still living in the earth

    И там, где растались, мы встретились нынче вновь.
    I tam gde rasstalis mi vstretilis ninche vnov
    And that place where we broke up, the same place we meet again now

    |Сильнее разлук тепло твоих рук,
    Silnee razluk teplo tvoih ruk
    The heat of ur arms is stronger than separation

    |Мой верный, единственный друг.
    Moi verniy edinstvenniy drug
    My only best friend

    В саду опустевшем тропа далеко видна,
    V sadu opustevshem tropa daleko vidna
    In the garden the u can see the road

    И осень прекрасна, когда на душе весна.
    I osen prekrasna kogda na dushe vesna
    And autumn is wonderful when u feel spring in ur soul

    Пусть годы летят, но светится взгляд,
    Pust godi letiat no svetitsia vzgliad
    And years are going away but ur eyes are shining

    И листья над нами шумят.
    I listia nad nami shumiat
    And leafs are making noise above us
  3. erwin1350 said:


    Dear "Sofia Persik"

    Wow! Thanks for lyrics and your beautiful translation. This helps me to enjoy the song even more.

    Unfortunately I can't read Russian, but I'm very interested in the language as well as your culture and literature. For instance, I love Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov and Gogol and I wish I knew Russian to read their books in original language instead of their translated edition.

    Anyway, thank you so much for your time and help. I appreciate it.

    Best Regards
