How to say "off with their heads in French

Thread: How to say "off with their heads in French

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  1. Rhonda9080 said:

    Default How to say "off with their heads in French

    Hi--can anyone translate for me the phrase "off with their heads" in French?
    "Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans..." John Lennon
  2. nahnou's Avatar

    nahnou said:


    Hi Rhonda, is this also about Alice in Wonderland?
    If so - and even if not - this link might help you (unless you already know it):

    "Qu'on leur coupe la tête!"
    "Coupez-leur la tête!"
    Those are the ones I'd probably use (still depending on the context maybe), ouuuaaaahhh...
  3. Faayzaah' said:


    I would often watch 'Alice in Wonderland' cartoon when I was a child .
    Of course it was in French & I remember the queen would yell 'Qu'on leur coupe la tête !' LOL ..
    So I think this is the right sentence for 'Off with their heads' =)
  4. Rhonda9080 said:

    Default Great link! Thank you! Shukran - Merci, etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by nahnou View Post
    Hi Rhonda, is this also about Alice in Wonderland?
    If so - and even if not - this link might help you (unless you already know it):

    "Qu'on leur coupe la tête!"
    "Coupez-leur la tête!"
    Those are the ones I'd probably use (still depending on the context maybe), ouuuaaaahhh...
    Hi, thanks so much for your response! This would actually be the quote from Alice in Wonderland, but the guy is using it in reference to actual beheadings with a guillotine, and linking it with the book. As a writer, this forum is the best thing I have found! God bless and thanks again!
    "Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans..." John Lennon
  5. Rhonda9080 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Faayzaah' View Post
    I would often watch 'Alice in Wonderland' cartoon when I was a child .
    Of course it was in French & I remember the queen would yell 'Qu'on leur coupe la tête !' LOL ..
    So I think this is the right sentence for 'Off with their heads' =)
    That's the quote I need! Thank you so much! Shukran! You guys are just the best! God bless! (May he also free Palestine
    "Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans..." John Lennon
  6. Rhonda9080 said:

    Default Where's the thank you button for your posts?

    I'm trying to thank you guys for your posts, but the button is not appearing. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate the help. Is this something I'm not doing correctly?
    "Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans..." John Lennon