Cro&Bos->EN translations; Please help me to understand them.

Thread: Cro&Bos->EN translations; Please help me to understand them.

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  1. zana said:


    Pazi, pazi
    Watch out, watch out

    Ljeto opet stiže u naše krajeve
    Summer came again to our regions
    Sa juga donosi sunce, zlatne valove
    from the south bringing the sun, golden waves
    Siđimo sa visina izađimo iz škraba i vrtača
    Climb down from height, get out of depressions and sinks
    Dole dupin mrižu cipa spustimo se do mora
    Down there a dolphin is choping the driftnet, let's get down to the sea
    Draga, ja i ti obalom ćemo se šetati
    Honey, me and you, we'll walk along the coast
    Na obali mi ti draga nježno govoriš
    on the coast, you're saying gently to me

    Malo ćemo da se kupamo hoćemo
    We will swimm a little, we will
    Malo ćemo da se sunčamo
    We will sunbathe a little

    Pred zoru sam sanjao da sam lovu našao
    Before the dawn I dreamed that I found the money
    I čujem šum talasa ispod moga prozora
    And I hear the sound of waves below my window

    Malo ćemo ...
    We will a little..

    Evo ti krema svoga dragog namaži
    Here is sunscreen, put it on your beloved
    Bilo bi bezveze da ga sunce isprži
    It would be stupid that sun burns him
    Bilo bi blentavo da do noći izgori
    It would be silly that he burns till the night
    Jer takav naveče nije ni za šta ne
    beacuse at night he is for nothing, no

    Draga, ja i ti, lavande, srdele i ostali
    Honey, you and me, lavender, sardines and the rest
    Pjesmice naše klapice
    Songs of our singing groups
    Ispred nas more, pod nama kamenice
    In front of us sea, underneath us oysters
  2. zana said:


    6 am
    I jutro me umiva
    and morning washes my face
    slušam prve vijesti sa radija
    I listen first news on the radio
    Iza mene noć bez sna
    Behind me sleepless night
    Ispred žuta svjetla taksija
    In front of a yellow taxi light
    I proviruje dan
    And day is peering
    E da znam da si budna
    Oh, if I know that you're awake

    6 am
    I tramvajske gužve
    and crowded trams
    Ne čitam novine sivo tužne
    I don't read newspapers sadly gray
    Sve što dnevna je politika
    All what is daily politics
    Ona bi jutro kvarila
    it would spoil the morning
    A čeka me dan
    And day is waiting for me
    E da znam da si budna
    Oh, if I know that you're awake

    Hej zvao bi
    Hey, I'd call
    Srce glas da čuje ti
    so heart could hear your voice
    Srce glas da čuje ti
    so heart could hear your voice

    6 am
    I kiša se umara
    And the rain is tired
    Dok cigareta izdaje posljednja
    While cigarette is burning last
    Kod mene i dalje
    With me still
    Sve u kontri je
    everything is contrary
    A narednih sto ljeta ću drugačije
    And next hundred years I will do otherwise
    već imam plan
    I already have a plan
    E da znam da si budna
    Oh, if I know that you're awake
  3. zana said:


    Rekao sam odlazim
    I said I'm leaving
    Tu daljinu slutiš li
    Do you suspect that distance
    Iz samoće pustinje
    From the loneliness of the desert
    Što zove me
    That's calling me

    Hladni sivi gradovi
    Cold gray cities
    I bez kraja drumovi
    And roads without end
    Vozovi u čekanju
    Trains waiting
    Neka sagore
    Let them burn

    Dala mi jabuku
    She gave me an apple
    Crvenu jabuku
    Red apple
    I prije rastanka
    And before separation
    Dala mi jabuku
    gave me an apple
    Crvenu jabuku
    red apple
    A ime slagala
    and lied about her name

    Rekao sam radosti
    I told joy
    Ne daj da se ugasi
    Don't let it exstinguish
    Vatra tvojih očiju
    Fire from your eyes
    U meni ostaje
    stays in me

    U mirisnoj postelji
    In fragrant bed
    Moju pjesmu zagrli
    Hug my song
    U njoj piše istina
    In it the truth is written
    Za nas čuva je
    To us is kept
  4. 1061-001 said:


    Thank you again
  5. zana said:


    no problem! I'm glad when I can help!