Hussein El Jasmy - Te3ebt [*]

Thread: Hussein El Jasmy - Te3ebt [*]

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  1. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:
  2. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    آبـاعز الدموع .. اللي غشت خدي عقب فرقاك
    Aba 3iz eddomou3 elli 3'ishat 5addi 3ogob fargak
    I want to hold the tears that covered my cheek after our separation
    .....وأدواي نزف جرح سال دمه ..من شراييني
    Wa adawi nazf jar7in sal dammah min shrayeeni
    And to cure a blood bled of a wound that flowed out from my veins

    وأعز النفس عن حبك.. ما دام اني .. عجزت ألقاك
    Wa a3iz ennafs 3n 7obbak madam enni 3ijzt algak
    And to hold my soul from loving you... as I failed to meet you
    ......تعبت من الصبر وأتعبت ..من كثر السهر ..عيني
    Ta3abt min essabir wa at3abt min kothr essahar 3ini
    I'm tired from pacience and I tired my eye because of staying wake for many nights

    تعبت أستعطفك وأرجيك وأمشي في سبيل رضاك
    Ta3abt asta3tifik wa arjeek wa amshi fi sbeel rthak
    I'm tired from conciliating, begging, doing what you wish
    ......وتلعب بي على كيفك تبعدني وتدنيني
    We tl3ab bi 3la kefik tiba33idni wa tedneeni
    And you're playing with me as you wish, keeping me away and getting me colser

    تحملّــتــك وأنا صابر ..وأدور لك .. عذر لخطاك
    Te7ammaltik wana sabir, wa ana saber wa adawwirlik 3othor li 5tak
    I endured you with patience... looking for an excuse for your mistakes
    .......ولكن مانفع صبري معك.. واليوم يكفيني
    Wlakin ma nifi3 sabri m3ak wel youm yakfeeni
    But there were no hope with my patience, and it's enough for me

    خلاص اليوم قررت أنسحب من دنيتك وأسلاك
    5alas el youm qarrat ansi7ib min dinietik wa aslak
    I've decided today to draw off your life and forget you
    .......ابارحل ما التفت .... لو صاح لي صوتك يناديني
    Aba ar7al ma altifit lo sa7 sotik yinadeeni
    I'll leave and won't turn my face around... even if your voice is calling me

    ابارحل للبعيد اللي ينسيني.. آسى ذكراك
    Abar7al lil bi3eed elli ynassini... aasa thikrak
    I'll desert to the distant that help me forget the worst of your memories
    ...... وبترك كل شي منك ..لاشفته يبكيني
    W batrak kil shay minnak, la shifta yebakkini
    I'll depart everything from you, things that make me cry if I see

    وبخفي عنك وين أرحل ؟؟..ولاتسأل علي .. أنهــاااك..!!
    W ba5fi 3nnak wen ar7al w la tes2al 3lai, anhak
    And I'll hide away from you, and don't ask about me, I forbid you
    ......اذا قادك فضولك يوم ..انسى انك تلاقيني..!!
    Itha gadik fodoulik youm, ensa ennak tilagini
    Even if your curiousity drove you, don't even think about seeing me

    بعوض ما مضي لي من سنين عشتها وياك
    B3awwid ma mida li min sineenin 3ishtaha wiyyak
    I want to compansate what passed of my life, the years I've lived with you
    ......كفى ماضاع من شانك من أحلى وأجمل سنيني
    Kafa ma da3 min shanik min a7la w ajmal sneeni
    What lost of my life for you is enough, it was the prettiest and most beautiful of my life time (youth)

    اباركب مركبي وأبحر وأدورلي ..بدل مرفاك
    Abarkab markibi wa ab7ir w adawirli badal marfak
    I'll board on my vessel and seal away... looking for another harbor for me instead yours

    ......شواطـئيك الكئيبـة ..حطمت كل الأمل فيني
    Shwateeki el k2eeba 7attamat kil el amal feeni
    Your depressing harbors, wrecked all hope inside me

    لكن الهم في صدري وأسافر للبعيد هناك
    Lakin el ham fi sadri wa asafir lil b3eid hnak
    But grieve is in my chest, and I'm travelling far away there (he is kidding himself)
    ......عسى الأيام والغربة من جروحك تداويني
    3sa el ayyam wel 3'orba min jrou7ak tidaweeni
    Hoping that days and desolation would heal the wounds caused by you

    صحيح بغربتي ..بتعب ،، ولكن في سبيل أنساك
    S7ee7 b3'rbiti bat3ab w lakin fi sbeel ansak
    It's true that in my desolation will tire me, but for sake of forgetting you
    ....بعزي بالصبر نفسي
    B3azi bi sabir nafsi
    I'll condole myself with patience

    ولو محدٍ ..يعّزّيني
    W law ma7adin y3azeeni
    Even if no body might codole me

    نعم .. مليت نكران الجميل وطبعك ومبدأك
    N3am mleit nikran el jameel w tab3ik w mabdak
    Yes, I'm bored from good denying and bored from your mood and your precept
    ......وقلت البعد عنك أرحم مادامك ترفض تجيني
    W gilt el bo3d 3nnak ar7am madamik terfid tijeeni
    And I've decided that staying away from you is merciful as long as you refuse to reply me.

    I did my best, but really the sentences are written in a way that is difficult to translate, or may be complicated way.
    But truely I think it's the only song that may save its meaning after translating.
    Last edited by Oriee; 08-10-2010 at 10:12 AM.
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  3. nora boulbhaiem said:

    Default lyrics correction

    I wana correct one fault in the lyrics

    "Wa adawi nazf jar7 ensan dammah min shrayeeni"

    the correct one is

    "Wa adawi nazf jar7 sal dammah min shrayeeni"
    "And to cure the bleed of wound whose blood flowed from my viens"
  4. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    It's ok never mind at all...
    Sometimes I hardly hear what he says ... yani because of his voice tones, loud music...

    But I'm doing my best any way
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  5. Gole Yas said:


    hello .. i made a few corrections to this ..
    can be found with the rest of the album ...