Is It Ever Enough.... lyrics from Holby City

Thread: Is It Ever Enough.... lyrics from Holby City

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  1. Dapps's Avatar

    Dapps said:

    Default Is It Ever Enough.... lyrics from Holby City

    Hi all,

    I'm a newbie here so if I do things wrong, I apol in advance

    Heard a wonderful track (well one verse) - it was being used as background music on a TV prog.. got in touch with the prog and they said 'oh we don't keep a note of the name of music we use, sorry'.. grrrrrrrrr

    Anyways the lyrics are:

    Is it ever enough to want somebody
    Is it ever enough to want someone
    Is it ever enough to sit and worry
    Is it ever enough just to have some fun
    Just to have some

    It's alternative rock and male vocal with acoustic guitar.. band is about to come in, but they cut it at that moment.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Starts a minute into the video.
    Last edited by Dapps; 09-30-2009 at 02:09 PM.
  2. Dapps's Avatar

    Dapps said:


    It's been 3 months, pleasssseee someone out there must know it


    PS I'm not a newbie anymore lol... love it here
  3. Dapps's Avatar

    Dapps said:


    I'm now a Mod and I still don't know who this is.

    BUMP lol
  4. Dapps's Avatar

    Dapps said:


    Bump... I live in hope