Just one line from a song

Thread: Just one line from a song

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  1. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:

    Default Just one line from a song

    can anyone help me with the translation of this one line? I am doing a complete translation and that is about the only thing that troubles me

    Il faisait resplendir les soirs de mon village
    (Yes, it's that simple )

    I do understand the words on their own but "faire resplendir", what is that?
    could it be something along the lines of "It had to light/was lightening the evenings of my village"?
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  2. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I got it. cortom had once done an English translation of the song in question.
    cortom translated it as "It made the evenings of my village glorious"
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  3. Faayzaah' said:


    Yes , that's it :]

    Literally 'faire resplendir' is 'to make shine' .
    He made my village's evenings shine .
    Like he made the evenings great ..