Plakala je a.k.a. Samo nju ne kuni majko

samo nju ne kuni majko,
ona nista nije kriva
nije sa mnom izdrzala,
zato me je ostavila.

plakala je, molila me,
tim zivotom da ne zivim,
sta sve nisam pokusao,
nisam mog'o da se smirim.

nista o njoj ne znam, majko,
gdje je ona, s kim je sada,
ali jedno znam sigurno,
vraticu je jednog dana.


Don't curse to her, mother
Nothing is she's fault
She didn't persist with me
that's why she left me.

She was crying, praising me
Not to live that type of life
I tried everything
but I couldn't moderate myself.

I know nothing about her, mother
where is, and with who
But in one I am sure
I'll get her back one day.


Kafana je moja istina

Da li si mi verovala
zeno jedina
da li si mi verovala
dal' si prastala

Kad sam tebi dolazio
mrtav, umoran
da li si mi verovala
da sam bio sam

Ref. 2x

Kafana je moja sudbina
ona me je sebi uzela
kafana je moja istina
zeno jedina

Lutao sam godinama
srecu trazio
lutao sam godinama
dok sam shvatio

Da na ovom belom svetu
nema milosti
da bez tebe duso moja
nema radosti

Ref. 2x

Mozes li mi oprostiti
zeno jedina
mozes li mi oprostiti
sto si patila

Sto te suza na jastuku
jutrom budila
sto te nocu mesto mene
tama grlila, zeno jedina


Have you believed me
my only women
Have you believed me
Have you forgave me

When i was coming to you
death (drunk) , tired
Have you believed me
that I was alone

Ref. 2x

Tavern is my destiny
she took me to herself
tavern is my truth
my only woman

I was wandering for years
looking for happiness
I was wandering for years
before i realized

That on this white world
there is no mercy
that without you, my sweetheart
there is no joy

Ref. 2x

Can you forgive me
my only woman
can you forgive me
that you were suffering

That you were waking every morning
with pearl on your cushion
that every night, instead of me
darkness cuddled you , my only woman

hope you understood me since I'm not very good with translation