Каролина Гочева - Македонска партизанска

Thread: Каролина Гочева - Македонска партизанска

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  1. Milka's Avatar

    Milka said:


    What you claim is not a fact, but is a often repeated Bulgarian lie to cover the actual fact that the true Bulgarian language is turkic, not Indoeuropean.

    Глоттохронология тюркских языков

    Согласно этой классификации, основанной на фонетическом и морфологическом принципах, внутри тюркской языковой группы выделяется шесть подгрупп:

    1. Булгарская (булгарский, чувашский).
    2. Уйгурская (древнеуйгурский, хакасский, шорский, тувинский, тофаларский, якутский, долганский).
    3. Кыпчакская (татарский, башкирский, казахский, киргизский, алтайский, карачаево-балкарский, кумыкский, крымскотатарский).
    4. Чагатайская (современный уйгурский, узбекский).
    5. Кыпчакско-туркменская (западные говоры узбекского языка).
    6. Огузская (турецкий, азербайджанский, гагаузский, туркменский).


    The language spoken in Bulgaria is made of old eastern Macedonian dialects which imperial Russia morphed into a language it called "Slavobulgarian" when it created modern Bulgaria.

    Russia also created the first grammar for this "Slavobulgrian" language while it transferred to it completely the Cyrillic letters used in Russia.

    As for the Macedonian language, here is what the eminent French linguist Ande Vaillant had to say about it in 1938:

    "Поимот на словенскиот македонски е нејасен само за оној што тоа не го сака. Словенскиот македонски преставува реалност во таква мера што во XIX век суштествувал еден македонски литературен јазик, јазик на сосема мала учена литература, но на обилна народна литература; и не се работи само за документи на фолклорот какви што можат да се соберат сегде; лирската македонска песна, многу ценета во Србија и во Бугарија, преставува еден автентичен литературен жанр, со реална вредност.

    Овој литературен јазик, базиран врз говори што природно се разликуваат малку меѓу себе, немаше време да се унифицира. Меѓутоа негови центри беа Скопје, Tетово, Охрид, Битола (Манастир), Воден , итн. ..."

    (A. Vaillant, Le probleme du slave macedonian-Bulletin de la societe de lingustique de Paris, t. 39, 2 (Numero 116 ), Paris 1938.)

    Thanks much and please do not bother me again.
  2. b'lgarin_ot_ohrid said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milka View Post
    What you claim is not a fact, but is a often repeated Bulgarian lie to cover the actual fact that the true Bulgarian language is turkic, not Indoeuropean.

    Milka, let's have a look not at what some other people think, but let's see what the great writers and people from the region of today's Republic of Macedonia said about their language and their ethnic identity. I think that you know all of them and you respect them for the writings they published. Such people are e.g. Kiril Peychinovich, Yoakim Karchovski, Yordan Hadzhikonstantinov-Dzhinot, Rayko Zhinzifov, the Miladinovi brothers, etc.

    Please, have a look what Кирил Пейчинович (Kiril Peychinovich) wrote:

    Most probably, you know his book “Ogledalo” (Mirror). On the first page, Kiril Peychinovich wrote:
    “…описася ради потреби и ползования препростейшим и некнижним язиком Болгарским долния Мисии, многогрешним во йеромонасех и недостойнейшим игуменом Крал Марковаго Монастира; иже во Скопие у Маркоа река храва светаго великомученика Димитрия Кирил Тетоец Пейчинович...”

    In English: the book is written in the “most common and illiterary Bulgarian language of Lower Moesia”

    In his other book, “Utesheniе Greshnim” (Solace of the sinner), Kiril Peychinovich wrote that it is written in “простий язык болгарский долния Мизии Скопский и Тетовский)” ---- “common Bulgarian language of Lower Moesia, of Skopje and Tetovo”

    Йоаким Кърчовски (Yoakim Karchovski):

    He wrote several books:

    ---- 1814 "A narration about the formidable and second advent of Christ, composed from various Holy Scriptures and translated into plainest Bulgarian language which is used for the sake of the most common and illiterate people" („Повест ради страшнаго и втораго пришествия Христова").
    ---- 1817 "Trials" („Сия книга глаголемаа митарства"). On the frontpage, the great man of enlightenment mentions the Macedonian cities which helped the issuing of the book: "Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Sechishta and other Bulgarian cities".
    ---- 1817 "The Wonders of the Holy Virgin translated from Amartolon Soteria into Bulgarian" („Чудеса пресвятия Богородици") – a Greek text translated into Bulgarian language, and to be used by “the Orthodox Christians from Shtip and other Bulgarain cities" (“православних христиан штипских и прочих градов болгарских”).
  3. b'lgarin_ot_ohrid said:


    Yordan Hadzhikonsatntinov-Dzhinot was author of some patriotic articles in the Bulgarian “Tsarigradski vestnik” ("Istanbul newspapper"), such as "God" (published in 1851), "Bulgarian literature" (1852), "About the Church Slavonic language" (1852), "Veles" (1857), "Prilep" (1854) etc. They contain information about the history and geography of the Macedonian region, and also some information about the history of the Bulgarian people, Bulgarian education and the Bulgarian church in Macedonia.

    "Нека служим роду моему, ако е и за крива Бога. Не е честно мене Болгарину да отчаявам и да вракям зло за зло. Болгарин прави и верни и благородни човек, Болгарин е любитель всякое добро, Болгарин е срамота да се отричува от своя род и язык, той Болгарин, който родо свой си хули името му е ни ден ни нощ. Аз сам Болгарин, плачем за нашите изгубени болгаре, които са во Долна Мисия, затова сдолжни сме да ся жертвуваме за бракята наши пресладкии болгари. многоревностнии Юрдан х. Константинов"

    (Цариградски вестник, бр. 44 от 1855 г.)

    In English: "...I am Bulgarian, and I bewail our lost Bulgarians, who are in Lower Moesia, and it is our duty to lay down our life for our brothers, the dearest Bulgarians."

    For Rayko Zhinzifov, I advise you to see some of his poems and writings:
    (This article also includes the Makedonistic falsifications to the original Zhinzifov’s texts).

    By the way, most present-day "scientists" from the Republic of Macedonia do not dare to publish original works of Bulgarian Renaissance figures like the Miladinovi brothers, Rayko Zhinzifov, Paisiy Hilendarski, Grigor Parlichev, Parteniy Zografski, Yoakim Karchovski, Kiril Peychinovich, Yordan Hadzhikonsatntinov-Dzhinot.

    Speaking of the Miladinovi brothers, here you can read an essay in English about one of their most important works - their collection of Bulgarian folk songs:

    They collected and wrote down precious Bulgarian folk songs from the today’s region of the Republic of Macedonia.

    The title page of their book

    Phototype edition of the book (PDF, 50 MB):

    Not only in the title of the book, but also in the lyrics of the folk songs you can frequently see "Bulgarian", "the Bulgarians".

    To the contrary, there is not even A SINGLE song or even A SINGLE word in the lyrics to be “Macedonia” or “the Macedonians”, or similar. I wonder why the Miladinovi brothers wrote about Bulgaria. Bulgarian people and Bulgarian folk songs? The brothers were born in the geographical area of Macedonia and, probably, in your opinion, they should speak the Macedonian language?

    Of course, when Miladinovi’s collection of Bulgarian folk songs is printed on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, it is called just "Folk Songs". Question – why the Makedonistic “scholars” hide the truth?
  4. b'lgarin_ot_ohrid said:


    Of course, Milka, you are an ethnic Macedonian and you have the right to declare yourself according to your feelings. But please, do allow people such as Kiril Peychinovich, Yoakim Karchovski, Yordan Hadzhikonstantinov-Dzhinot, Rayko Zhinzifov, the Miladinovi brothers, etc., to also have the right to be what they declared themselves and their language - Bulgarian.
  5. haydee's Avatar

    haydee said:


    ...and what had started as simple tranlate-this-song thread, turned out to yet another Bulgarian-Macedonian argument

    Anyway, thank you Milka for translation!
  6. Milka's Avatar

    Milka said:


    You are welcome hydee, any time.

    As for your comment, there is no argument, this is a Macedonian language pure and simple. It is a FACT that Bulgarians are Central Asian turkic people as is their language:



    We Macedonians have nothing to do with them. If somebody has appropriated the Bulgarian ethnonym, it is his/her problem, not ours.

    However, a process of forced Bulgarianization in Macedonia was carried out ever since Russia decided to form a state "Bulgaria" in the Balkans in the early 19th century, and decided to invent a "Slavobulgarian" nationality. This is well documented:

    "Bulgarian elite had to invent, elaborate and underpin a myth of common ancestry and made this pedigree putative for the sense of ethnic identification."


    Bulgarianization in Macedonia was conducted through indoctrination in schools and the church [the Bulgarian Exarchate], by offering money or by threats and brute force. One of our Macedonain leaders, Petar Poparsov described this brutal policy of assimilation in 1894:

    "The Exarchate gives money but only buys wind because etnicity can't be bought with money; it is such a delicate thing that when it senses an attempt to trade with it, it evaporates."

    "It is hard, Mr. Sarafov, when a person once falls morally in fronf of the people, isn't it? ... We assure you such will be the case of all your compatriots who come to Macedonia with aspirations to create Bulgarians...even more difficult will be the position of your government, whichever it may be, if you continues to give you similar instructions, the Bulgarian idea will not gain life..."


    Forty years earlier, in 1851, "Carigradski vesnik" carried the following article about the Macedonian language in which it stated "it differs a lot from Bulgarian".

    The author adds: "the essence of the Macedonian language is that is has a varity of differing elements and characteristics."

  7. b'lgarin_ot_ohrid said:


    Milka, as I said earlier in this thread, you are an ethnic Macedonian (since you identify yourself as such) and you have the right to declare yourself according to your feelings. But please, do allow people such as Kiril Peychinovich, Yoakim Karchovski, Yordan Hadzhikonstantinov-Dzhinot, Rayko Zhinzifov, the Miladinovi brothers, etc., to also have the right to be what they declared themselves and their language - Bulgarian.