can you help me translate this italian folk song?

Thread: can you help me translate this italian folk song?

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  1. gustar said:

    Default can you help me translate this italian folk song?

    who can help me translate it into english?

    it is a Napoli song, please

    Santa Lucia

    Sul mare luccica
    L'astro d'argento
    Placida č l'onda
    Prospero il vento
    Venite all'agile
    Barchetta mia
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    Con questo zeffiro
    Cosė soave
    Oh, come č bello
    Star sulla nave
    Su passeggeri
    Venite via
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    In' fra le tende
    Bandir la cena
    In una sera
    Cosė serena

    Chi non dimanda
    Chi non desia
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    Mare sė placido
    Vento sė caro
    Scordar fa
    I triboli
    Al marinaio
    E va gridando
    Con allegria
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    O dolce Napoli
    O suol beato
    Ove sorridere
    Volle il creato
    Tu sei l'impero
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    Or che tardate?
    Bella č la sera
    Spira un'auretta
    Fresca e leggiera
    Venite all'agile
    Barchetta mia
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    I'll try, but I'm not sure about some parts.

    Santa Lucia

    Sul mare luccica/ on the sea shines
    L'astro d'argento/the silver celestial body (the moon)
    Placida č l'onda/ placid is the wave
    Prospero il vento/ prosperous (favourable) is the wind
    Venite all'agile/ come to the nimble
    Barchetta mia/ little boat of mine (or "come to my little nimble boat")
    Santa Lucia / saint Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    Con questo zeffiro/ with this Zephyr (a wind)
    Cosė soave/ so gentle
    Oh, come č bello/ oh, how it's beautiful
    Star sulla nave/ to stay on the ship
    Su passeggeri/ come on passengers
    Venite via/ come away
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    In' fra le tende/ then under the tents (or curtains, not sure)
    Bandir la cena/ having dinner
    In una sera/ in an evening
    Cosė serena/ so serene

    Chi non dimanda/ who doesn't ask for
    Chi non desia/ who doesn't desire
    Santa Lucia / saint lucia
    Santa Lucia

    Mare sė placido/ sea so calm
    Vento sė caro/ wind so sweet
    Scordar fa /make forget
    I triboli/ the tribolations
    Al marinaio/ to the sailor
    E va gridando/ and he shouts
    Con allegria/ with joy
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia

    O dolce Napoli/ o sweet Napoli
    O suol beato/ o blissful ground
    Ove sorridere/ where to smile*
    Volle il creato/ wanted the Creation (it means the world created by god)
    Tu sei l'impero/ you are the empire
    Dell'armonia/ of harmony
    Santa Lucia
    Santa Lucia
    *(the correct phrase would be "where the Creation wanted to smile")

    Or che tardate?/ now why are you delaying? (I don't know how to translate this part)
    Bella č la sera/ beautiful is the evening
    Spira un'auretta/ a breeze is blowing
    Fresca e leggiera/ (the breeze is) fresh and light (or "a fresh and light breeze is blowing")
    Venite all'agile/ come to the nimble
    Barchetta mia/ little boat of mine
    Santa Lucia
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. MrSalento's Avatar

    MrSalento said:


    it reminds someway "Sentimento" by beautiful song.
    "Salentu, agapimu fidela protini"