Looking for lyrics with effective stylistic devices

Thread: Looking for lyrics with effective stylistic devices

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  1. A&A said:

    Lightbulb Looking for lyrics with effective stylistic devices

    Hey everyone,
    I'm about to write my term paper about "writing lyrics" and I'm still searching for lyrics with interesting content and - even more important - both spirited metaphores, comparisons, images and other rhetoric/stylistic devices (hyperbola, personilization etc. - you know, all the stuff english teacher like to mention when they talk about poems )
    If you could recommend some lyrics that consist of these things, it would really make my holiday.

    thanking you in anticipation
  2. CorazonInquieto's Avatar

    CorazonInquieto said:


    i don't know if you speak spanish but calle 13 has some good stuff with metaphores and such. songs like "La Perla" by Calle 13 and Rueben Blades or "oye donde esta el amor" by Wisin y Yandel ft Franco devita. I don't know if this will be helpfull but thought i'd give my input! If you want the translations let me know!
    Por los cuentos que la luna relata, aprendí a caminar sin mapa...
  3. A&A said:


    actually I know about maybe five spanish words, and (as my term paper has to be in english) I can't just quote the lyrics
    but it would be great to have at least one or two translated verses
    I'd really appreciate it

    best english one I've found yet is 'lessons in love' - I know it's a cliche - but maybe you can help me to find better lyrics
  4. CorazonInquieto's Avatar

    CorazonInquieto said:


    Here are some links, the first is for "La Perla" , translated.


    The begining of "oye donde esta el amor" translated is below. The "sky" and "ocean" are metaphores for the hate in todays world. That it's growing and we need to do something about it.

    (Sigo aqui pidiendole a dios)
    (I'm still here asking God)
    Que no me falte la palabra ni el dolor
    that I won't lack the words nor the courage
    (Que me de valor)
    that he'll give me the courage
    Para poder decirte lo que pienso
    to be able to say what I'm thinking
    (Y que pueda controlar mis emociones)
    (and that I'll be able to control my emociones)
    Y una grieta para que puedas mirar
    a crack through which you can see
    Un corazon que no tiene descanso
    a heart that has no rest
    (Hay que hablar)
    (I have to say it)
    Y un mar que se propone hacerse cada vez mayor
    and a sea that intends to grow bigger and bigger
    Y un cielo que se nubla y se llena de rencor
    a sky that is cloudy and full of evil/hate
    Y todo se define dependiendo de un color
    and everything is defined by a color
    (No se lo que esta pasando y todos los dias me pregunto..)
    I don't know what is happening and everyday I ask myself...

    This is an oldie lol but Donna Summers "Macarthur Park" has a lot of metaphores. The cake represents the relationship (sounds funny lol).
    Well I hope this helps a little! Good Luck.
    Por los cuentos que la luna relata, aprendí a caminar sin mapa...