Haifa Wehbe- Aklek Menen

Thread: Haifa Wehbe- Aklek Menen

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  1. naina12's Avatar

    naina12 said:

    Default Haifa Wehbe- Aklek Menen

    hi this is a new baby song by Haifa , but there is a part of the song that i donīt understand what they mean with that , the part is " from where will i eat you,oh duck!" "from where i eat you ,oh kitty!" sorry i donīt get it o_O

    here is the video :

    thanks in advance
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    lol in the Arabic dialect, cute kids are referred to as a bata - duck or 2ota - cat..

    and it's similar with English when they say "that baby is so cute I could just bite her!" or "oh I could just eat you all up!"

    so it's basically it means - you're so cute I could just eat you up!!
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  3. naina12's Avatar

    naina12 said:


    oh thanks =) now makes more sense lol