
Thread: Amazing!

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  1. Steve0's Avatar

    Steve0 said:

    Thumbs up Amazing!

    Its amazing, …So amazing,
    People are changing in my life,
    Its amazing, … So amazing,
    I can’t believe what I am seeing with my eyes,

    Days go by and I wonder why?
    People leave, people die, People saying goodbye
    Men and Women leaving there children,
    Or they just kill em with abortion
    Because they can’t put up with their expectations,
    So they go and kill gods’ creations
    People are just not right,
    I cannot believe they can sleep at night,
    This is a struggle, this is a fight
    We can’t just drop this,
    We need to stop this,

    Its amazing, …So amazing,
    People are changing in my life,
    Its amazing, … So amazing,
    I can’t believe what I am seeing with my eyes,

    I can’t believe we euthanize animals,
    Doesn’t it make us criminals?
    Yeah, if we saw a little dog on the street,
    We would find a place for it to sleep and eat,
    But if we don’t find an owner,
    That dog will die, and I wonder why,
    Because it's no different then finding a homeless kid,
    There are always places we can find for them,
    Isn’t that wild, we wouldn’t euthanize a child,
    That would be wrong,
    But we would a dog,

    Its amazing, …So amazing,
    People are changing in my life,
    Its amazing, … So amazing,
    I can’t believe what I am seeing with my eyes,

    There are many things that the U.S government does wrong,
    We needed change and our new president said it would happen,
    I don’t need to say his name; we all know he’s lame
    He is the reason the economy is going down the drain,

    Its So Amazing! or is it?
  2. Steve0's Avatar

    Steve0 said:


  3. genisha's Avatar

    genisha said:

    Question ?

    It sounds like i heard it before..........????????
  4. Steve0's Avatar

    Steve0 said:


    Nope, i wrote it down striaght from my mind.