Off-topic discussions in English related to Romania, Romanian language and culture...

Thread: Off-topic discussions in English related to Romania, Romanian language and culture...

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  1. smfc_stevo_smfc's Avatar

    smfc_stevo_smfc said:


    Bun venit!
  2. dragonfly93's Avatar

    dragonfly93 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by smileygal View Post
    I'm new on this thread but i am from romania from deva!!! im a small town gal!!! :P so wats doin yall??? i write songs on lyrics review ad i just wrote one so please check it out if you want! comment if you want!! i live in australia!!! woooooooo!!!! lol well i'm gonna go!!
    byeeeeeeeeee xoxoxoxox smileygal
    Bun venit, Smileygal
    Minä olen horjunut, epäilen enemmän kuin ennen
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  3. mike123's Avatar

    mike123 said:


    Hi SmileyGal, Welcome!

    If i remember well, Deva is in hunedoara? But i'm not sure how far away that is from Castelul Corvinelor.
    De multe ori tăcerea e mai bună decāt răspunsul.
  4. Un_Angel_Caido said:


    Bun venit Smiley Gal
  5. smileygal's Avatar

    smileygal said:


    thank you everyone!! and mike deva is in hunedoara but i have no idea either!! i left when i was 8!! so i dont remember much!! so whats been up to?? xoxo smileygal!!
  6. mike123's Avatar

    mike123 said:


    Oh, since you were 8? :-( imi lipseste romania. You live in Australia now, right? How do you like it there?
    De multe ori tăcerea e mai bună decāt răspunsul.
  7. smfc_stevo_smfc's Avatar

    smfc_stevo_smfc said:


    Xonia (young Romanian popstar) lives in Australia.
    What made you move to Australia and how difficult was learning English for you?
  8. smileygal's Avatar

    smileygal said:


    well to answer ur question mike : I LOVE AUSTRALIA!!! it's hot and the wether is nice all the time(mostly). the people are great but brisbane is a big city. but first wen i left romania i went to new zealand because my dad had work there so me and my mum moved. then he got a job in australia which led us here. and stevo i guess ity was a bit hard learning the language but when you go to schol\ol and learn everything in english it gets easy. now people think im from america or that im a true aussie. lol it's quite funny because no one can sayy my last name... and im not gonna tell you guys because its embarassing:-$
    well byeeeeee xxxxxx
  9. Cristi3012 said:


    Bună tuturor ! Sunt Cristi, locuiesc (īncă ) īn Romānia. Am descoperit accidental acest website și acest forum... Și vă pot spune că sunt uimit... Mi-am petrecut ultimele două zile citind toate paginile... Sunteți uimitori... Deja unii dintre voi cunosc foarte bine gramatica limbii romāne. Dya, ești uimitoare! Citind posturile tale mi-am clarificat unele nelămuriri. Atāt privind limba romānă cāt și engleza. Mike, ai avansat surprinzător...
    Eu sunt inginer. Dar, dacă pot ajuta, o fac cu plăcere. Felicitări tuturor !

    P.S. Am scris totul īn limba romānă pentru că scopul acestui forum este să-i ajutăm pe cei care doresc să īnvețe limba noastră
    Last edited by Cristi3012; 03-17-2010 at 03:10 PM.
  10. mike123's Avatar

    mike123 said:


    Buna Cristi, bine ai venit la forum.

    īţi mulţumesc pentru cuvintele frumoşi. Īncă am multe greşeli dar īncerc bine şi cāteodată mă descurc ok.

    Mă bucur ca-ţi place pe forum şi sper ca vrei să te īntorci.

    Īntotdeaună mi-aş place foarte mult toate corectari.
    De multe ori tăcerea e mai bună decāt răspunsul.
  11. smfc_stevo_smfc's Avatar

    smfc_stevo_smfc said:


    Translator anyone? LOL Afterall, the topic heading is "Off-topic discussions in English".

    Oh come on Smilleygal. Tell us. We are learning Romanian so we might pronounce it right.
  12. Cristi3012 said:


    Hello everyone! My name is Cristi an I (still ) live in Romania. I have discovered this website and this forum by accident... And I can tell you that I am surprised... I spent my last two days reading all the pages... Some of you allready have a very good knoledge of romanian grammair. Dya, you are amazing. Reading your posts I have understood some issues. Both in romanian and english. Mike, you have made amazing progress.
    I am an engineer (said that because i am not a teacher neither linguist, so it is possible to make mistakes ). But if I can help, i'll do it with peasure. Good job everyone!


    As I said, I am an engineer so maybe translation is not so acurate, but you can get the point, isn't it?

    Thank you. You have some mistakes. I can't explain you as Dya does. But I can make some corrections:
    1. cuvintele frumoşi ----> cuvintele frumoase : un cuvānt - două cuvinte - so frumos must be fem. : frumoase
    2. īncerc bine ------> is better to use mă străduiesc; īncerc bine is wrong
    3. sper ca vrei să te īntorci. -----> could be: sper că te vei īntoarce.
    4. Īntotdeaună mi-aş place foarte mult toate corectari. --> If I undestand well the idea, could be: Īntotdeauna mi-ar plăcea foarte mult să mă corectezi. ( the correct infinitive is: a plăcea - see DEX Ro or )

  13. mike123's Avatar

    mike123 said:


    Thank you for the all the corrections Cristi. They are very helpful to me.

    I didn't realize cuvānt is neuter. I will remember now. Neuter nouns I must study better. I make this mistake always.

    Stevo, if you want my translation also...

    I thank you for the nice words. still I make many mistakes but i try well and sometimes I manage ok.

    I'm glad you like the forum and hope you want to return.

    Always I would like all corrections very much.
    Last edited by mike123; 03-18-2010 at 05:46 AM.
    De multe ori tăcerea e mai bună decāt răspunsul.
  14. dragonfly93's Avatar

    dragonfly93 said:


    Bună, Cristi! Nice to meet you
    Minä olen horjunut, epäilen enemmän kuin ennen
    Mutta halusit ihmisen, sen viat, sen heikkouden
  15. smfc_stevo_smfc's Avatar

    smfc_stevo_smfc said:


    Mulțumesc pentru traducere.
  16. mike123's Avatar

    mike123 said:


    Cristi, what are you an engineer of?
    De multe ori tăcerea e mai bună decāt răspunsul.
  17. Cristi3012 said:


    I don't know is in english. In romanian is construcții hidrotehnice. In english could be Hydro engineering?
  18. smileygal's Avatar

    smileygal said:


    WELCOME TO THIS FORUM CRISTI!!! (: umm im not sure bout that one but u could be right cristi. your english is quite good!! you just make spelling errors. if you would like me to correct you it would be my pleasure. so how long have you been an engeenier for??
  19. Cristi3012 said:


    Of course smileygal, please do.
    Practiced for two years. Now I have my own business. I do graphic design or DTP. But once an engineer, always engineer .
  20. dragonfly93's Avatar

    dragonfly93 said:


    Hydrotechnical engineering? Cool!
    Minä olen horjunut, epäilen enemmän kuin ennen
    Mutta halusit ihmisen, sen viat, sen heikkouden