Annett - Tränen in der Nacht

Thread: Annett - Tränen in der Nacht

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  1. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:

    Default Annett - Tränen in der Nacht

    Please help correct mistakes Thanks Ina
    Sorry no listen link

    Annett - Tränen in der Nacht
    Tears in the night

    Man bringt sie auf die Welt, ein Glücksgefühl und egal, wie alt sie auch sind - Du bleibst immer mein Baby, mein Sohn, immer mein Kind. Man probiert, ein Leben lang immer nur für sie dazu sein. Und daß es ihnen an nichts fehlt, das ist der Job, halt Mama sein.

    One brings them into the world, a feeling of happiness and no matter how old they are - You will remain always my baby, my son, always my child. One tries a whole life long just to be there for them. And that they lack nothing, this is the job, just being Mama.

    Und nun liegst Du in der Klinik, hast Tränen im Gesicht. Ich streichle stumm Dein Haar und meine Angst um Dich zeige ich nicht. Dein Unfall, dann der Anruf - 5 Stunden im Auto - ich raste zu Dir. Meine Augen brennen noch vom Weinen, doch Großer, jetzt bin ich hier.

    And now you lie in the clinic, have tears on your face. I silently stroke your hair and I do not show my fear for you. Your accident, then the phone call - 5 hours in the car - I rushed to you. My eyes still burn from crying, but great, now I'm here.

    Tränen in der Nacht - Dich zu verlieren, mein Herz es fast zerriß. Ich hatte so viel Angst wie nie vorher - um Dein Leben, einfach um Dich. Von einer Sekunde zur anderen lag Dein Leben in Gottes Hand. Und ich will nicht wissen, wie viele Engel Dir sind zur Hilfe gerannt.

    Tears in the night - to lose you, it almost tore my heart. I had so much fear, like never before - for your life, simply for you. From one second to another your life lay in God's hand. And I don't want to know how many angels have run to help you.

    Im Auto sah ich Dich vor mir, Du warst nicht älter als drei. Du saßest nackt auf dem Topf und strahltest dabei. Oder nach einem Fußballspiel - Du standest in der Tür dreckig und verschwitzt. Und sagtest stolz, daß Du ab heute der neue Fußball-Champion bist. Wie viele Wunden haben meine Hände von Dir schon bedeckt. Wie oft hast Du, daß ich nicht zur Arbeit gehe, meine Schlüssel versteckt. Damals beim ersten Liebeskummer kochte ich den Pudding nur für Dich, hielt Dich im Arm - alles wird gut Schatz, so was vergißt man nicht.

    In the car I saw you in front of me, you were no older than three. You sat naked on the chamberpot, smiling. Or after a soccer/football game - you stood at the door filthy and sweaty. And said proudly, that you are from this day forward the new soccer/football champion. How many of your wounds have my hands bandaged/treated (already). How often did you hide my keys so that I (would) not go to work. Long ago during your first lovesickness I cooked pudding just for you, held you in my arms- everything will be OK sweetheart, that’s something one does not forget.

    Tränen in der Nacht - Dich zu verlieren, mein Herz es fast zerriß. Ich hatte so viel Angst wie nie vorher - um Dein Leben, einfach um Dich. Von einer Sekunde zur anderen lag Dein Leben in Gottes Hand. Und ich will nicht wissen, wie viele Engel Dir sind zur Hilfe gerannt.

    Wie oft gabst Du mir mein Leben schon die Überlebenskraft, wenn alles in Scherben lag, sagtest Du, ich bin doch da, komm Mama, lach. Wir kuschelten uns in riesige Decken vor dem Fernseher ein und genossen einfach nur, zusammen zu sein. Haben Nächte durchredet und so manchen Blödsinn gemacht, unsre Wasserbomben waren spektakulär und weißt Du noch, die Spaghettischlacht? Ich will nie wieder dieses Gefühl, Dich zu verlieren in mir spüren, daß ich Dich auf irgendeine Art und Weise könnte mal verlieren.

    How often did you give my life the strength to live on , when everything was in ruins, you said: "I am still here, come Mama, laugh." We snuggled up in enormous covers in front of the television and enjoyed just being together. We have talked through many nights and done so many stupid tricks/created a lot of nonsense, our water balloons were spectacular and do you still remember, the spaghetti battle? I never want the feeling inside of me of losing you again, that in any way or means I could lose you sometime.
    Last edited by Macbard; 03-24-2010 at 02:13 AM. Reason: corrections
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  2. Inaissa's Avatar

    Inaissa said:


    Hi Macbard,

    let's have a go at it.

    Man bringt sie auf die Welt,.............
    Man bringt…."man"is a common form of expression that not names exactly who (brings )<> could be anybody
    Singular >>man bringt, man sagt >< one brings , one says >>
    Plural >>manche Leute sagen <>some (people) say
    Meine Augen brennen noch vom Weinen, doch Großer, jetzt bin ich hier.……
    My eyes still burn from craying , but graeter /bigger I am here now
    Tränen in der Nacht - Dich zu verlieren, mein Herz es fast zerriß
    ist ok>> better >>..............almost tore my heart
    Du saßest nackt auf dem Topf und strahltest dabei
    You sat naked on the chamberpot ( Potty ), smiling
    Wie viele Wunden haben meine Hände von Dir schon bedeckt
    How many of your wounds have my hands bandaged/treated (already)
    Wie oft hast Du, daß ich nicht zur Arbeit gehe, meine Schlüssel versteckt
    How often did you hide my keys so that I (would) not go to work
    Damals beim ersten Liebeskummer kochte ich den Pudding nur für Dich, hielt Dich im Arm - alles wird gut Schatz, so was vergißt man nicht
    Long ago during your first lovesickness…………………….. that’s something one does not forget
    “Wie oft gabst Du mir mein Leben schon die Überlebenskraft, wenn alles in Scherben lag, sagtest Du, ich bin doch da, komm Mama, lach.
    How often did you give my life the strength to live on , when everything was in ruins………..
    Haben Nächte durchredet…….
    We talked through many nights........
    Ich will nie wieder dieses Gefühl, Dich zu verlieren in mir spüren, daß ich Dich auf irgendeine Art und Weise könnte mal verlieren.
    I never want the feeling inside of me of losing you again, that in any way or means I could lose you sometime.

  3. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hi Ina,

    thanks for the help. I comment only so you know my thoughts when translating so you know how I think..

    Man bringt sie auf die Welt,.............

    Man bringt…."man"is a common form of expression that not names exactly who (brings )<> could be anybody
    Singular >>man bringt, man sagt >< one brings , one says >>
    Plural >>manche Leute sagen <>some (people) say

    I knew "one". I used "you" Because she was speaking of her son, of something that also included her as one of the ones. Perhaps a misuse here.
    .................................................. .................................................. .......................
    Meine Augen brennen noch vom Weinen, doch Großer, jetzt bin ich hier.……

    My eyes still burn from craying , but graeter /bigger I am here now

    Did I mention I'm also contrary. What can I say?
    .................................................. .................................................. ......................
    Tränen in der Nacht - Dich zu verlieren, mein Herz es fast zerriß

    ist ok>> better >>..............almost tore my heart

    My mistake I thought zerriß only meant tore, futher checking also = tore up, tore to pieces.
    .................................................. .................................................. ......................
    Du saßest nackt auf dem Topf und strahltest dabei

    You sat naked on the chamberpot ( Potty ), smiling

    I didn't specify but I knew what kind of pot was being referred to. "und strahltest" I thought this was "and smiled/grinned" past tense
    .................................................. .................................................. .......................
    Wie viele Wunden haben meine Hände von Dir schon bedeckt

    How many of your wounds have my hands bandaged/treated (already)
    .................................................. .................................................. ...............
    Wie oft hast Du, daß ich nicht zur Arbeit gehe, meine Schlüssel versteckt

    How often did you hide my keys so that I (would) not go to work

    My mistake. I was referring them also to "something one does not forget" such as how I did this , how you did that.
    .................................................. .................................................. ..............
    Damals beim ersten Liebeskummer kochte ich den Pudding nur für Dich, hielt Dich im Arm - alles wird gut Schatz, so was vergißt man nicht.

    Long ago during your first lovesickness…………………….. that’s something one does not forget

    Damals can mean "long ago" - Something I did not know! Thanks!
    .................................................. .................................................. ....................
    “Wie oft gabst Du mir mein Leben schon die Überlebenskraft, wenn alles in Scherben lag, sagtest Du, ich bin doch da, komm Mama, lach.

    How often did you give my life the strength to live on , when everything was in ruins………..

    "gabst" and "mir" confused me. I'm easily confused.
    .................................................. .................................................. .......................
    Haben Nächte durchredet…….

    We talked through many nights........

    Right idea wrong words.
    .................................................. .................................................. .................
    Ich will nie wieder dieses Gefühl, Dich zu verlieren in mir spüren, daß ich Dich auf irgendeine Art und Weise könnte mal verlieren.

    I never want the feeling inside of me of losing you again, that in any way or means I could lose you sometime.

    Sounds much better now.

    Thanks again
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  4. Inaissa's Avatar

    Inaissa said:


    Hi Macbard,
    How are you today?

    I knew "one". I used "you" Because she was speaking of her son, of something that also included her as one of the ones. Perhaps a misuse here.
    No, it is not a mistake. She is talking about herself. And the word „man"<>"one“ means „her“. She is the person, she is talking about.

    1.The first sentence is about herself
    >>Man bringt.........a definite >>One ( is her ) brings them into the world.( One bears children )
    2. The second sentence points at the child
    >> Du bleibst immer mein baby....... A definite >>„You“ ( the child ) will always remain mein baby..........
    3. The third sentence is about her again.
    >>"Man probiert, ein Leben.............">
    a definite> "One" trays the whole life………
    You can use „You“ instead of „one“ in certain instances.In this case it is not possible because the „You“ would be at the beginning of each sentence and you would not know what is meant.
    My eyes still burn from craying , but graeter /bigger I am here now
    Did I mention I'm also contrary. What can I say?
    What about >> We all make mistakes.
    I didn't specify but I knew what kind of pot was being referred to. "und strahltest" I thought this was "and smiled/grinned" past tense
    You should have specified then I wouldn’t have to corrected it.
    “Strahltest „<>it is past tense.
    Now, it can be said in two ways:
    I was ( in town) , shopping............. .........or >and shopped.
    Du saßest (nackt auf dem Topf ), smiling……or > and smiled.
    Watch for the punctation to give the proper meaning. English, for simple conversation shortens the sentence.
    Damals can mean "long ago" - Something I did not know! Thanks!
    Yes, it refers to a long time in remembering.

    “Damals“ is used when two (or more) people talk about the same subject of some indefinite time ago and both people know which time they are talking about.
    If one doesn’t know which time I am talking about I would have to point the time behind the word „damals“
    Example: Damals, when I was three years old I have fractured my arm., If you are my brother I don’t have to tell you how old I was at the time of the fracture. It is enough to say: „damals, when I fractured my arm.
    Damals>“in those days“, „at the time“,“ at that time“ „in those days“, „years ago“ „ long time ago“, “some time ago“, „long ago“, „in the time“ etc.
    And now, after I have listed all the alternative meanings of the word „damals“, I think I should have used instead of „long ago“ an other expression.
    In the time of your first lovesickness...... would be perfect !!!!!!!!
    "gabst" and "mir" confused me. I'm easily confused.
    Now,I am smiling>>>
    Ich gab dir> I gave you
    Du gabst mir>you gave me
    Er/sie/es gab uns something >he/she/it/gave uns something

    Last edited by Inaissa; 03-24-2010 at 07:09 AM. Reason: just added two smilies
  5. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hi Ina,

    I'm doing fine today. I hope your day goes well also.

    About -"man = one in this instance and not you". Ok I think I understand. In my mind I pictured her next to her unconscious son holding his hand and musing/talking to herself. This is why I used "you'. This might not be correct but it is how I would talk myself. And then I pictured her looking up at her son and talking to him even though he could not hear. Then back to musing/reflecting about things to herself.

    About -"doch Großer" No mistake. The idea I had and the words I knew. I'm just contrary. I think there are many ways to say this: but, great; however, great; yet, great; but, good; however, good; yet, good. The point is - despite 5 hours in the car, despite the eyes burning from crying, it is good to be there finally with her son.

    About -"Damals" I had the idea somewhat, my "when" was as in "back when" such as "remember back when" But now I have a fuller understanding of the word.

    About -"Du saßest nackt auf dem Topf und strahltest dabei. The first was past tense and so is the second so I stayed with it but I get your point. I will keep that in mind. With your correction what happened to "dabei"?

    About -"Topf" I didn't think the word itself specified. However, I can't think of any other pots one sits on naked. I thought that would give the context.

    About - Ich gab dir> I gave you
    Du gabst mir>you gave me
    Er/sie/es gab uns something >he/she/it/gave uns something

    I knew gabst = gave & mir = to me, me, myself

    German - "Wie oft gabst Du mir mein Leben schon die Überlebenskraft"

    My mess -"How, you gave me my life often already,(gave me) the strength to survive"

    Your correction - "How often did you give my life the strength to live on"

    Ok here is my ignorance showing. I know I really messed this one up. I almost worded it -
    "How often you gave to me in my life already the strength to survive"but nothing says in my life. Your correction says give not gave and no mir translation. This is what confused me. "Did you give" seemed right to me also but the word was "gave" and what to do with "mir". So I'm thinking now like "How often did you give to me the strength to continue my life. See how screwed up I can become? It's easy to confuse me.

    Thanks again Ina,
    for trying to straighten me out.
    A lost cause sometimes.
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.