[request] madeliene matar lyrics

Thread: [request] madeliene matar lyrics

Tags: arabic music, arabic transliteration, lyrics, madeleine matar
  1. chaozholic said:

    Smile [request] madeliene matar lyrics

    تصبح على خير.
    Hellooo (مرحبا).
    I'm from Indonesia. I'm a new member here.
    Middle East pop music is not popular in my country, but I love it.

    I'm crazy 'bout with the sexy girl from Lebanon, Madeleine Matar. hehe.
    I want to get her lyrics for the song titled "Amma Agayeb (أما أجيب )". I googling for many times (& tries), but there's no result.
    Pleaseee help me.
    The lyrics should be with Latin translate, because I can't read Arabic without "harakat" (read sign). hoho.

    Thanks (شكرا).
    Last edited by chaozholic; 04-12-2010 at 02:54 AM. Reason: wrong typing