Annett - Wenn der Wind sich dreht

Thread: Annett - Wenn der Wind sich dreht

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  1. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:

    Default Annett - Wenn der Wind sich dreht

    Posted for correction - Thanks Ray Alpha & Inaissa
    To listen

    Annett - Wenn der Wind sich dreht
    If the wind turns/changes

    Wenn mal unser Deutschland weint, weil es viel zu lange träumt.
    Wenn erst viele Deutsche sehen, was Schlimmes ist geschehen.
    Über Jahre dreist belogen, ausgenommen und betrogen
    Als Wähler hier für dumm verkauft und den Bonzen blind vertraut.

    If sometimes our Germany cries, because it far too long dreams.
    When at first/for the first time many Germans see what terrible (things) have taken place.
    For years boldly lied to, excluded and deceived
    as voters here are taken for fools and blindly trust the bigwigs.

    Jahrelang fiel man auf Typen rein, von DGB bis Zentralverein.
    Meinungsmache und CDU auf Sozis und all den Schmu.
    Dann werden plötzlich manche wach und denken über manches nach.
    Doch es ist noch nicht zu spät, dass der Wind sich dreht.

    For years you were taken in by guys, ranging from DGB * to the Zentralverein,
    from mind manipulation to the CDU*, Socialists and to all the scam,
    then suddenly some wake up and think about some things,
    however it is still not too late, that the wind turns.

    Wenn der Wind sich dreht in diesem Land, Wird etwas bewegt durch unsere Hand,
    Und die Herrscher zittern auch vor deiner Kraft,
    Wenn der Wind sich dreht in diesem Land, dann nur durch deinen Widerstand.
    Denn ohne Druck von unten wird oben nichts geschehen,
    Damit der Wind sich dreht.

    If the wind turns in this land, something is moved by our hand,
    And the rulers also tremble before your strength,
    if the wind turns in this land, then (it’s) only due to your resistance,
    because without pressure from below nothing happens at the top,
    so that the wind turns.

    So mancher sieht und glaubt es nicht, wie die Bonzen uns Lügen frech ins Gesicht.
    Phrasen dreschen und gebildet scheinen und kaum etwas ehrlich meinen.
    Sie reden Blech und schlucken Gold, das man auch dir aus der Tasche holt.
    Die Steuerschraube fester zieht und denkt nur an den Profit.

    Thus many see and do not believe it, how the bigwigs lie to us, boldly, to our face,
    (They) rant and appear educated and hardly mean anything honestly.
    They talk rubbish and guzzle gold, which they also pick out of your pocket.
    The tax push grows harder and (they) think only of the profit.

    Der kleine Mann, er ist egal. Man braucht ihn nur als Personal.
    Des Volkes Wille, was ist das schon. Doch bald zerbricht die Illusion,
    Immer mehr Schafe im Wählerheer, erkennen die Wahrheit und glauben nicht mehr.
    Was aus Berlin da kommt und in der Zeitung steht, in Funk und Fernsehen wird erzählt.

    The little man, he matters not, they need him only as a workforce.
    The peoples will, what is that really – however soon the illusion shatters,
    More and more sheep in the voters crowd recognize the truth and no longer believe
    what comes out of Berlin, and appears in the newspaper, is retold on radio and television.


    Man trichtert es uns täglich ein, uns geht es gut, so wird es bleiben.
    Doch was wirklich hier geschieht, welche Pläne man so schmiedet.
    Das sagt man nicht, verschweigt es dir und hat dich dort voll im Visier.
    Deine Arbeit, deine Kinder, dein bisschen Geld sind eingeplant von der Unterwelt.

    They drum it into us daily , we are doing well, it will continue like this.
    However, what really happens here, which plans do they thus make.
    They don‘t tell that, (they) conceal it from you and have you there fully in their sights.
    Your work, your children, your little bit of money are included in the plan by the underworld.

    US-Europa, Eurowahn, Schutzgelderpressung zum Gott erbarmen.
    Kampfeinsätze der Bundeswehr und die Kassen sind so leer.
    Bauernsterben und Eurowahn, Abtreibungsmord und Schlendrian.
    Hütchenspieler und Mafia und aus der Hauptstadt nur seichtes BlaBla.

    US-Europe, Euromania/Euromadness, blackmail protection money ; God have mercy.
    Combat missions of the "Bundeswehr" and the cash boxes are thus empty.
    Agricultural decline and euromania, abortion murder and carelessness.
    Shell gamers/con men and Mafia and from the Capital only shallow twaddle.


    Der Mensch ist nur noch ein Konsum-Objekt, das man abgefüttert in die Tasche steckt, austauscht, wegrationalisiert und notfalls ausrangiert.
    Der Plan ist alt und meisterhaft, voll durchdacht und grauenhaft.
    Eine Einheitswelt, kalt und monoton.

    A human is only a object of comsumption, which is saturated put in the pocket, replaced, hired and fired, and if necessary discarded.
    The plan is old and masterful, well thought out and horrifying.
    A uniform world, cold and monotonous.

    Die Sorge, was wird morgen sein. Frag nicht still, du musst es schreien.
    Damit man es auch ganz oben hört, wo man sich gegen dich verschwört.
    Doch immer mehr Deutsche sagen nein, zu diesem Lügen- und Heuchelverein.
    Trotz Medienmafia und Kapital, unser Kampf ist national.

    The worry, what will tomorrow be. Do not ask quietly, you must shout it.
    So that they also hear it at on top where they conspire against you.
    However, more and more Germans say no to this lying and hypocritical club.
    In spite of the Media Mafia and the Capital, our fight is national socialist.

    Refrain x 2

    DGB = Federation of German Trade Unions
    CDU = Christian Democratic Union of Germany – a political party
    Last edited by Macbard; 04-19-2010 at 07:01 PM. Reason: corrections
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  2. Ray Alpha said:


    Annett - Wenn der Wind sich dreht
    If the wind turns/changes

    Wenn bald unser Deutschland weint, weil es viel zu lang geträumt,
    Wenn erst viele Deutsche sehen, was Schlimmes ist geschehen,
    Über Jahre dreist belogen, ausgenommen und betrogen,
    Als Wähler hier für dumm verkauft und den Bonzen blind vertraut,
    Jahrelang fiel man auf Typen rein, von DGB bis Zentralverein,
    Meinungsmache und CDU, auf Sozis und all den Schmu,
    Dann werden plötzlich manche wach und denken über manches nach,
    Doch es ist noch nicht zu spät, daß der Wind sich dreht

    If soon our Germany cries, because it has dreamed far too long
    at first/for the first time many Germans see what terrible (things) have taken place,
    for years boldly lied to, excluded and deceived,
    as voters here are taken for fools and blindly trust the bigwigs,
    for years you were taken in by guys, ranging from DGB * to the Zentralverein,
    from Mind manipulation to the CDU*, Socialists and to all the scam,
    then suddenly some wake up and think about some things,
    however it is still not too late, that the wind turns.

    Wenn der Wind sich dreht in diesem Land,
    Wird etwas bewegt durch unsere Hand,
    Und die Herrscher zittern auch vor deiner Kraft,
    Wenn der Wind sich dreht in diesem Land,
    Dann nur durch deinen Widerstand,
    Denn ohne Druck von unten
    Wird oben nichts geschehen,
    Damit der Wind sich dreht.

    If the wind turns in this land,
    something is moved by our hand,
    And the rulers also tremble before your strength,
    if the wind turns in this land,
    Then (it’s) only due to your resistance,
    because without pressure from below
    nothing happens at the top,
    so that the wind turns.

    So mancher sieht und glaubt es nicht, wie die Bonzen uns lügen frech ins Gesicht,
    Phrasen dreschen und gebildet scheinen und kaum etwas ehrlich meinen,
    Sie reden Blech und schlucken Gold, das man auch dir aus der Tasche holt,
    Die Steuerschraube fester zieht und denkt nur an den Profit,
    Der kleine Mann, der ist egal, man braucht ihn nur als Personal,
    Des Volkes Wille, was ist das schon – doch bald zerbricht die Illusion,
    Immer mehr Schafe im Wählerheer erkennen die Wahrheit und glauben nicht mehr,
    was aus Berlin da kommt und in der Zeitung steht, in Funk und Fernsehen wird erzählt.

    Thus many see and do not believe it, how the bigwigs lie to us, boldly, to our face,
    (they) rant and appear educated and hardly mean anything honestly,
    they talk rubbish and guzzle gold, which they also pick out of your pocket,
    the tax push grows harder and (they) think only of the profit,
    the little man, he matters not, they need him only as a workforce,
    the peoples will, what is that really – however soon the illusion shatters,
    more and more sheep in the electoral/voter army recognize the truth and no longer believe
    what comes out of Berlin, and appears in the newspaper, is retold on radio and television.

    This is a hard, agressive text, so i changed some words, which I felt to be to "neutral"

    Meinungsmache: This word means a form of mind control, Wikipedia offers also "brainwashing, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform" as synonyms. Referring to Pink Floyd, i would choose "thought control" as an alternative.e

    Wiederstand. The word "Widerstand" in the political terms of Anette is close to the positions of the "W.A.R.-White Aryan Resitance", i think "resistance" is the only right translation in this context.

    I dont clearly know, how to deal with "Zentralverein" so i would leave it untouched. The text only makes sense, if you see it as a dig at the "Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (German jewish council)".

    I like translating this lyrics, because they are far from the mainstream, although i do not share the radical political opinion of Annett Miller.
  3. Inaissa's Avatar

    Inaissa said:

    Default Annett "Wenn der Wind sich dreht"

    I also have a dissenting political conviction of these from Annett Miller and
    I have a different opinion about the meaning of the word “Zentralverein”.

    "Jahrelang fiel man auf Typen rein, von DGB bis Zentralverein"

    I dont clearly know, how to deal with "Zentralverein" so i would leave it untouched. The text only makes sense, if you see it as a dig at the "Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (German jewish council)".
    „From the DGB ( the umbrella organization of workers unions in Germany - Blue collar union ) to the Zentralverein“, this has absolutely nothing to do with Jews and their Central Council.
    Although the DGB spoke of equality, some people were/are more equal than others. I Think -- What she wrote is directed at the representatives of the DGB that were in some firm or company, the permanent representatives one had direct contact with them as a worker and that way anyone could “ fallen jahrelang auf Typen rein ”( and years on end fall for some of these guys ).
    For example the DGB representative in my place of work called Mitarbeiter - Zentrale (co-workers center) in colloquial language they also were called: Zentralrat ( works council ) or Zentralverein ( central association ).
    And just to repeat what is erroneously said about it having something to do about Jews, just does not fit into the lyrics of that song, it is strictly an anti-political song, to raise up against the government and their politics. An instigation for resistance movement.

  4. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hello Ray Alpha & Ina,

    thanks for your help. I now have all the verses. As you will see I need lots of help. That is a real understatement.

    @ Ray Alpha - No more bricks in the wall. I have added the changes you recommended but some of the words were wrong so I changed them and this changed the translation. They are in red along with some of the new stuff that confused me greatly.
    Last edited by Macbard; 04-14-2010 at 07:54 PM.
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  5. Ray Alpha said:


    Hi macbard,
    lets go through the issues:

    Der kleine Mann, er ist egal. Man braucht ihn nur als Personal.
    Des Volkes Wille, was ist das schon. Doch bald zerbricht die Illusion,
    Immer mehr schaffen Wähler her, erkennen die Wahrheit und glauben nicht mehr.
    Was aus Berlin da kommt und in der Zeitung steht, in Funk und Fernsehen wird erzählt.

    In my opinion, your correction is wrong, it doesnt fit in the semantic flow.
    The first version seems right to me.

    Immer mehr Schafe im Wählerheer erkennen die Wahrheit und glauben nicht mehr.
    "Heer" is not ment as army, more as an uniform mass of people.
    Alternate Translation: More and more sheep in the voters crowd recognize the truth and no longer believe

    Man trichtert es uns täglich ein, uns geht es gut, so wird es bleiben.
    Doch was wirklich hier geschieht, welche Pläne man so schmiedet.
    Das sagt man nicht, verschweigt es dir und hat dich dort voll im Visier.
    Deine Arbeit, deine Kinder, dein bisschen Geld sind eingeplant von der Unterwelt.

    Visier is right

    Pläne schmiegen is wrong, the correct german term is "Pläne schmieden"

    They drum it into us daily , we are doing well, it will continue like this.
    However, what really happens here, which plans do they thus make.
    They don‘t tell that, (they) conceal it from you and have you there fully in their sights.
    Your work, your children, your little bit of money are included in the plan by the underworld.

    US-Europa, Eurowahn, Schutzgelderpressung, zum Gott erbarmen.
    Kampfeinsätze der Bundeswehr und die Kassen sind so leer.
    Bauernsterben und Eurowahn, Abtreibungsmord und Schlendrian.
    Hütchenspieler und Mafia und aus der Hauptstadt nur seichtes BlaBla.

    US-Europe, Euromania/Euromadness, protection racket ; God have mercy.
    Combat missions of the "Bundeswehr" and the cash boxes are thus empty.
    ??? and euromania, abortion murder and carelessness.

    Shell gamers and Mafia and from the Capital only shallow twaddle.

    Schutzgelderpressung: According to wikipedia the term is protection racket (Again I learned something)

    Bundeswehr: In German newspapers the US Army, the Royal Airforce and others stay as specific terms untranslated. I think, the Bundeswehr is the "Bundeswehr"( Army of the Federal Republik of Germany).

    Zum Gott erbarmen is a exclamation of abhorrence, common in southern (catholic) parts of Germany.

    Bauernsterben: means the decline of the medium-sized farms in familiar possession due to decreasing food prices. I have no idea how to translate this in one word.


    Der Mensch ist nur noch ein Konsum-Objekt, das man abgefüttert in die Tasche steckt, austauscht, wegrationalisiert und notfalls ausrangiert.
    Der Plan ist alt und meisterhaft, voll durchdacht und grauenhaft.
    Eine Einheitswelt, kalt und monoton.

    A human is only a object of comsumption, which is saturated put in the pocket, replaced, hired and fired, and if necessary discarded.
    The plan is old and masterful, well thought out and horrifying.
    A uniform world, cold and monotonous.

    abgefüttert: here ment as adverb, the lined pocket would be: "den man in die gefütterte Tasche steckt"

    wegrationalisieren means to dissmiss for rationalisation purposes; I think choosing the term "hire and fire" keeps better the spirit of this german word.

    Kosum must be a typo, Konsum is correct

    Die Sorge, was wird morgen sein. Frag nicht still, du musst es schreien.
    Damit man es auch ganz oben hört, wo man sich gegen dich verschwört.
    Doch immer mehr Deutsche sagen nein, zu diesem Lügen- und Heuchelverein.
    Trotz Medienmafia und Kapital, unser Kampf ist national.

    The worry, what will tomorrow be. Do not ask quietly, you must shout it.
    So that they also hear it at on top where they conspire against you.
    However, more and more Germans say no to this lying and hypocritical club.
    In spite of the Media Mafia and the Capital, our fight is national.

    Minor correction: Nein zu diesem Lügen is no to this lying, Nein zu dieser Lüge would be no to this lie.

    Verein is in German often ment contemptible for associations, firms or organisations. IMHO club is better in this context.

    "Unser Kampf ist national" is obviously ment as "Our fight is national socialist"

    Refrain x 2
  6. Ray Alpha said:


    Please follow the link of macbard to youtube and read seven pages of comments.
    This song is seen as political statement by the viewers!
  7. Ray Alpha said:

    Default Bauernsterben


    After thinking it over an a little bit of searching with a cup of morning coffee, i found out:

    According to this page; agricultural decline should do it for translation.

    So i think you´ve got it complete.

    Have fun till next time.
  8. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Thanks Ray Alpha,

    I really appreciate all your help with this one. I was in way over my head. I don't have the written lyrics for this one so I rely on the kindness of strangers for them. I tried to check by listening but my ears don't make out the German words so clearly. I think I managed to put all your corrections in. I had the gist of it but I like to be sure. Thanks again.
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  9. Ray Alpha said:


    always a pleasure to help you out and a source of learning also for me.

    Finally I found out about the Zentralverein. As always in this music of the right wing, there must be something in it to blame the Jews, i was sure.

    The key is, it is the "Centralverein.", written with a "C" in an ancient german manner

    As usual, Wikipedia has got the Details.

    Taking the Vita of Annette in account, she is singing about this "Centralverein" and I think all other explanations of this are thus beiing proved wrong.
  10. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hello Ray Alpha,

    Of this controversy I know not enough to have an opinion. To my knowledge, Annett's only complaint concerning Jewish peoples is that they seem to be of the opinion that all Germans are bad. She takes offense at this. Still here in America, the first thing that pops into many people's minds when you say German is Nazi. No doubt this stems from the many war movies that are the only thing concerning Germany that many people here are exposed to.

    Her main focus, to me, seems to be to expose things she sees as wrong. This would be the injustices done by the courts and the government in name the people. To this I am sympathetic as I see similar problems in my own country. I don't see this as a racist thing. I am not a political person but politicians cause many of the problems that they purport to fix. When one speaks out against what the government does, one is portrayed in the worst light possible to marginalize you and shut you up. I see it happening before my eyes. This is happening right now in my own country. This is all I know about this subject.
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  11. Ray Alpha said:


    Hi macbeard,
    let me take you by the hand and lead you to an opinion.
    As always, if you analyze a literary text, you have to deal with the author and his context. We have got some political lyrics which have to be seen in regard to the authors political opinions.

    The vita of Anette Müller you find here.

    As you see, she is a member of the "NPD", an extensive article on this party can be found in English at Wikipedia.

    I cite an example, which is easy to understand for Americans:

    In November 2008, shortly after the 2008 United States Presidential Election, the NPD published a document entitled "Africa conquers the White House" which stated that the election of Barack Obama as the first African-American President of the United States was the result of "the American alliance of Jews and Negroes" and that Obama aimed to destroy the United States' "white identity." The NPD claimed that "A non-white America is a declaration of war on all people who believe an organically grown social order based on language and culture, history and heritage to be the essence of humanity" and that "Barack Obama hides this declaration of war behind his pushy sunshine smile." The NPD also stated that the extensive support for Obama in Germany "resembles an African tropical disease."[45][46][47][48]
    This is the spirit, that is streaming through the thoughts and work of Annett.

    In this light the lyrics have to be interpreted, which led to my opinion of the term "Centralverein"

    I hope, this knowledge helps you in your way of seeing this lyrics.

    You are right in stating, that Annett sings about urging problems, but this is the way of all extremists, pretending to have the solution for all the problems in the world.
  12. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hi Ray,

    I appreciate your efforts to enlighten me. I have read both of these articles before. I should tell you that Annett is known to me. We are friends. Not political friends, just friends. I believe the problems and concerns addressed in her songs are real and heartfelt. It is not a smokescreen. She sings for the ones who have no public voice, the victims. Yes, some songs reflect anger, injustice and corruption breed righteous anger. She is a member of the NPD, yes. That is of no consequence to me.

    As I said I am not political. In light of the state of politics in my country, I don't really trust any politician no matter which party they belong to. If the NPD is as bad as is said then it would already be disbanded. I read with interest that when the case came up before the constitutional court it was thrown out because some of the main evidence in the case was in fact written by undercover agents that had infiltrated the organization. We call this manufactured/ planted evidence where I come from.

    Regarding the statements about Obama, I would condemn that. I am not a racist but I have problems with where our present government is leading us against the will of the people. They will be challenged in court for all the good that will do, and there will be a price to pay when the fall elections get here.

    As for "Zentralverein", only Annett knows for sure what she meant. You and Ina have a difference of opinion here. I still have no opinion and I have no plans to ask Annett. If she has a problem with the Jewish Central Association, I am sure there are legitimate reasons, if not, it may be as Ina believes. Either way problems are problems no matter who raises the issue. As for politics, those currently in charge always paint the opposition as bad as possible to ensure they retain power. Politics is disgusting to me, everyone jockeying for power. So much effort is wasted instead of being used to solve problems. Too much power in too few hands is a recipe for misuse. I believe her songs serve a purpose, to sound the alarm. Some would rather cover over problems and forget them. This she will not allow no matter the many consequences.
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  13. Inaissa's Avatar

    Inaissa said:

    Smile Wenn der Wind sich dreht

    Annett „Wenn der Wind sich dreht“

    Hi Ray Alpha,

    I read all the comments of all the people. Terrible and the majority was in a very vulgar tone.
    It seems to me that everybody who made comments about the song, has formed their own version.
    Example of how people make their own conclusion:
    I am going up the mountains bare.
    What am I saying?
    Am I saying : I am going up the mountains naked? Or , I am going up the naked mountains?
    Don’t take my words, as though I wanted to fight. I have not a clue about politics.
    Nobody claims that it is a normal song. Your explanation sounds good but it doesn’t make any sense to me.The lyrics describe a protest against the authorities and are not intended to be a racial slur.
    I do not see anywhere in the lyrics that it refers to the Jews. I don’t know where you got the idea.
    She also could have meant
    - die Zentral Komitee der Roten Partei ( Central Committee of the Red Party)
    - die Zentrale der Stasi ( the Central Organization of Stasi ) or >
    - die Regierung selbst ( The Government itself ) Meant cynical “Zentralverein “
    The A/m organizations could make you believe anything.

    As always, if you analyze a literary text, you have to deal with the author and his context. We have got some political lyrics which have to be seen in regard to the authors political opinions.
    If a person request an analysis then that is where you answer it.
    *Macbard* asked only for correction of his translation, he did not ask for an analysis.
    Besides: An analysis is only the opinion of the analyst and every analyst describes the same phrase in a diffrent way to stress their point.
    I do not believe that your analysis here is going to help *Macbard* to better understand the German language.
    In the translation, there are still some mistakes.
    How about paying attention to the translation rather than mixing your political view into this matter.

    Last edited by Inaissa; 04-19-2010 at 04:34 PM. Reason: just adding a few sentences
  14. Kaspermaya's Avatar

    Kaspermaya said:

    Default Annett" Wenn der Wind sich dreht"

    Hi *Ray Alpha*
    I have seen, and objectively observed everything about the lyric translations of the titled song. And with the song, although somewhat strong, I found nothing wrong. I see some political protest in it, but nothing against any minority groups.

    If you were asked to translate a Shakesperean play, would you go so deep to analyse William Shakespeare?
    To me, and this is my opinion, anyone who analyses modern poetry, just likes to show, they have studied somewhat more than the people who just translate it.
    Your analysis hackled my feathers.

    Gruess Gott, or as we say in English: God bless