Gülşen - Ezber bozan

Thread: Gülşen - Ezber bozan

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  1. Jzh's Avatar

    Jzh said:

    Default Gülşen - Ezber bozan

    Can somebody translate this song to English? Thank u!

    Gülşen - Ezber bozan

    Kavuşmak yüzdesi düşük varsayım
    Evet hep var olasılık nedir sanki kar payım
    Anlamam küsürattan düşelim mi bunu da aşktan
    Bak yine şaşırdım düz hesap yapalım
    Eldeki mühimmatla sağ çıkılır mı bu iç savaştan
    Bak yine yenildik teslim olalım
    şarkı sözleri

    Sen hep tedbirler aldın ben gözü kararydım
    Sen kadere razı dünden ben ezber bozandım
    Çok geç olmakla birlikte sevdiğime pişmanım
    Sen boyun eğdiğinle kal ben isyandayım
  2. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:



    Coming together - a low-percentage probability
    Yes, probabilities always exist (but) what’s my share of profit?
    I don’t understand from fractions, shall we subtruct them from love, too?
    Look I’m confused again, let’s make a simpler calculation
    Can we survive from this civil war with these provisions we have?
    Look we’re defeated again, let’s surrender

    You always took precautions (but) I was red blooded
    You were only too glad to consent to your fate (but) I went beyond the ordinary
    I know it’s too late and I'm regretful for having loved you
    You are left with your obedience (but) I’m in mutiny
    Last edited by SiLvEr_MooN; 09-25-2010 at 06:45 AM. Reason: corrections!!!
  3. Jzh's Avatar

    Jzh said:


    Wow, I liked the lyrics so much Thank u for translation!
  4. SiLvEr_MooN's Avatar

    SiLvEr_MooN said:


    Yeah, this song is great just like Gülşen herself She composes great songs!
    I'm a fan of her
    PS: You r welcome
  5. Paul Orhan's Avatar

    Paul Orhan said:


    Thanks a billion, Jhz and Silver Moon, for bringing up that song - love itttt! Ah it's so good to see my second Turkish wife is getting the attention and interest she surely deserves! :-)

    Ezberbozan is a great word! And it carry so many different meanings! :-)