Severin Kraevskij

Thread: Severin Kraevskij

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  1. Fauerfrei said:

    Default Severin Kraevskij

    I don't speak Polish, so I need your help, please.
    I have some songs by Severin Kraevskij, and I'd like to have lyrics...Googled twice or thrice with no result. I can e-mail you mp3, if you agree to write down the texts. I'll be able to translate them with dictionnaries, but I cannot write them down just from listening to songs.
    Or may be you have them already?
    1. Uciekaj moje serce
    2. Sero-golubaya zemlya
  2. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    The text of first song is (for example) on :,4989.html
    Can you really translate from Polish ? I'm impressed...
    What is your nationality ?

    The second song's title is - as I see - in Russian.
    In Polish this title is - Ziemio błękitno-szara ! (Oh, Blue-grey Earth !)
    Here you are :
    Last edited by bandziol20; 05-07-2010 at 03:11 PM.
  3. Fauerfrei said:


    Thank you so much, bandziol20!
    I'm happy! And there are other songs by him ar your link!
    As for translating from Polish... Well, I'm from Québec (French Canada) and I cannot REALLY translate from Polish :-) so I hoped to do it with my translating soft...But now when you suggested it's so difficult, I start doubting...:-)
    Anyway, I'll try, and if I fail...Would you be so kind as to help me one more time?
    Thank you!
    PS The second song, I did not know it was in Russian, I got it from some Ukranian web-site...
  4. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    Wow. From Quebec ? Quite far away... I was thinking you're German or so.
    Well - Polish is full of grammatical cases, and the problem which I see for a foreigner is to guess what is the form of the word in nominative case...
    But Try to translate ! Don't give up !
    Of course - I help you
    Last edited by bandziol20; 05-09-2010 at 06:55 AM.
  5. Drobniak said:

    Default Translation of Uciekaj moje serce

    „Uciekaj, moje serce”
    „Run away, my heart”

    Gdzieś w hotelowym korytarzu krótka chwila
    Short moment somewhere in a hotel corridor
    splecione ręce gdzieś na plaży oczu błysk,
    Waived hands, glimmer in eyes somewhere on a beach
    wysłany w biegu krótki list,*
    Short letter sent in a hurry*
    stokrotka śniegu, dobra myśl,**
    Snow daisy, good thought**
    to wciąż za mało, moje serce, żeby żyć.
    That is still not enough, my heart, to live

    Uciekaj skoro świt, bo potem będzie wstyd
    Run away while there’s still dawn, cause there will be shame afterwards
    i nie wybaczy nikt chłodu ust twych.
    And no one will forgive the chillness of Your lips

    Deszczowe wtorki, które przyjdą po niedzielach,
    Rainy Tuesdays that will come after Sundays
    kropelka żalu, której winien jesteś ty,***
    A drop of regret which You are guilty of***
    nieprawda, że tak miało być,
    It’s not true that it was supposed to be like this
    że warto w byle pustkę iść,
    That it’s worth to march into any void
    to wciąż za mało, moje serce, żeby żyć.
    That is still not enough, my heart, to live

    Uciekaj skoro świt, bo potem będzie wstyd
    Run away while there’s still dawn, cause there will be shame afterwards
    i nie wybaczy nikt chłodu ust, braku słów,
    And no one will forgive the chillness of lips, the lack of words
    uciekaj skoro świt, bo potem będzie wstyd
    Run away while there’s still dawn, cause there will be shame afterwards
    i nie wybaczy nikt chłodu ust twych.
    And no one will forgive the chillness of Your lips

    Odloty nagłe i wstydliwe, niezabawne,
    Sudden and embarassing, not funny departures
    nic nie wiedzący, a zdradzony pies czy miś,
    Not aware, but betrayed pup or teddy bear
    żałośnie chuda kwiatów kiść
    Miserably thin bunch of flowers
    i nowa złuda, nowa nić,
    And new delusion, new thread
    to wciąż za mało, moje serce, żeby żyć.
    That is still not enough, my heart, to live

    Uciekaj skoro świt ...
    Run away while there’s still dawn…

    Few comments:
    * - a Polish idiom. "Robić coś w biegu", literally "To do sth while running" means to do hasty, in a hurry
    ** - long I was thinking what snow daisy - "stokrotka śniegu" means. Probably
    snowflake - beautiful, but elusive
    *** - in Polish there are male and female forms of verbs. From this verse one can realize the song is adressed to a male.
    Best regards, starting working on second song
  6. Fauerfrei said:


    Thank you so much, Drobniak!
    I would have never done it by myself!
    Isn't "good thought" rather "a good idea"? I mean, to send a daisy, is a good idea. I'd put it this way...
    Thank you for this great work!
  7. Pudel said:


    Not really.
    'Dobra myśl' in this context means 'a good thought' rather than 'a good idea'. 'A good thought' meaning that you're thinking about somebody in a good way i.e you remind him as a nice person. This part connects with the next verse indicating that snow daisy, a good thought about sb in your mind, waived hands on the beach and so on are not enough to live.
  8. Drobniak said:

    Default Ziemio błękitno-szara

    Ziemio błękitno-szara
    Oh blue-gray land

    Ziemio błękitno-szara,
    Oh blue-gray land
    wodo zielonooka!
    Oh green-eyed water
    Gdzie jest szczenięca wiara,*
    Where is the infantile faith*
    dziecinny, ufny głos,
    Childish, trustful voice
    zwodzonych marzeń most?
    Bascule dreams bridge?
    izbo z wysokim progiem,
    Oh room with high doorstep
    szkoło za rogiem zaraz,
    Oh school just behind the corner
    Kto tam tak się postarał, **
    Who strived so much **
    że nie do tańca gram,
    That I don’t play for dancing
    do kina chodzę sam?
    That I go alone to the cinema?

    Dziewczynie, która na głos czytała mi Norwida
    (To the girl that read me Norwid*** aloud)****
    zawdzięczam serca nagłość
    I owe haste of the heart
    i wiersz, co się nie przyda.
    And the poem, which won’t be useful
    Z tej samej ręki brałem pierwszego kłamstwa rózgi,*****
    The same hand flogged me with the first lie*****
    w tym samym sadzie stałem,
    I stood in the same orchard
    z tej samej drwiłem próżni.
    I mocked the same void

    Ziemio błękitno-szara,…
    Oh blue-gray land…

    Dziewczynie, która przeszła
    (To the girl that passed
    przez życie, jak przez szatnię
    the live like the cloakroom)
    zawdzięczam trochę piekła
    I owe a bit of hell
    i niebo przedostatnie.
    And the penultimate heaven
    Z tej samej ręki wziąłem
    I took from the same hand
    to lustro, które stłukłem,
    This mirror that I broke
    i lęków nocnych sforę,
    And the pack of night fears
    i małą złotą furtkę.
    And the little golden wicket

    Ziemio błękitno-szara...
    Oh blue-gray land…

    Again, comments:
    * - in Polish "szczenięca wiara" is literally "puppy faith" - another idiom
    ** - in Polish second word of the line is "tam" - "there", having here no real meaning, but amplifying the question and keeeping the rhytm of the song
    *** - Norwid is the name of famous Polish poet. "To read Norwid" means of course reading his verses
    **** - A line in brackets (two times in this song) means a construction of the sentence making sense in Polish, but not in English. It creates full sentence with the following two lines, but I had to choose between verity and intelligibility. Choose a compromise (rotten as usual)
    ***** - the idiom. "Brać rózgi", literally "receive twigs" means "to be flogged"