Please correct my mistakes. There's one line that doesn't make sense at all.
I'm afraid the lyrics are not very inspired, but I like the singer.
Zemra me foli diqka pėr ty,
.. My heart speaks/tells me something about you
e pėr qudi nuk kam gjum nė sy.
.. And that is why (qudi??) I have no sleep in my eyes.
S'mundem nga mendja tė tė largoj dot,
.. I can't/won't get you out of my thoughts
ah sa te dua e din njė Zot - (2x)
.. ah, how I love you the Lord knows.
Rak e tak me rreh kjo zemėr veq pėr ty,
.. Boom and bang my heart beats only for you
t'lutem kthehu prap pash ata sy,
.. I beg you/please come back that I may see your eyes again
Eja sonte dhe s'do tė lėshoj pėr jetė,
.. Come tonight and I won't let you go for (the rest of my) life
tė ta them sot e 100 vjet - (2x)
.. I tell you: today and a hundred years.
S'mundem pa ty e as ti pa mu,
.. I can't live without you, nor you with me
le ta din gjith se veq ty tė du.
.. Let everybody know that I want only you
Ti je gjithqka qė kam nė jetė,
.. You are everything I have in life
e si ta them se di as vet - (2x)
.. As I tell you ???????? (vet or vetė??)
Rak e tak me rreh kjo zemėr veq pėr ty,
t'lutem kthehu prap pash ata sy,
Eja sonte dhe s'do tė lėshoj pėr jetė,
tė ta them sot e 100 vjet - (4x)