Buna am o rugaminte la voi va rog
eu am invatat eng d la tv si kntece va rog corectati-mi poemul sant expresii p kre nush sa le traduc multumesc anticipat

De dorul tau m-as transforma in mare
By missing you i would transform into sea
Sa pot veghea pe tarmul tau atat de cald
to can watch on ur coast so hot
Sa te cuprind in valul meu de soare
to hold you in my wave of sun
Punand o raza in decoru-mi drag.--nu mi-a venit alta rima in minte ---
and putting a sunray ........

Sa te inund cu valul meu de dor
to drown you with my wave of longing
Cand rasaritul este prea pustiu
when sunrise is too empty
Privesc in larg, mi-s zilele cu nor
looking away,my days are cloud
Iar totu-n jur i-atat de aramiu.
and all around is so copper

Iar dorul meu strabate in miscare
my longing crosses by moving
O amintire a clipei implinite
a memory of the fulfilled moment
Azi singura, sunt simpla, intr-o stare
2day alone ,im simple,in a way
Ce nu-si gaseste rostul printre clipe.
that can't find the sense among teh moments.

De dorul tau, m-as face umbra ta
by missing you ,i would bcm ypur shadow
Sa te urmez in drumurile-ti toate
to fallow you in all your way
Sa fim doar noi in tot ce va urma
to be just us in everything will come
Sa adunam tot ce-am pierdut prin fapte.
to gather everything we lost from facts.