Trooper lyrics - corrections please

Thread: Trooper lyrics - corrections please

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  1. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:

    Smile Trooper lyrics - corrections please

    Since I HAVE TO improve my Romanian (which is horribly bad) I'll translate some songs I like and I'd be grateful for corrections

    Don't hesitate to critizise!!! This translation for example isn't good at all, so please somebody make it sound good

    Trooper - Doar a mea

    Daca ai vrea acum sa-ti spun tot ce simt eu
    If you wanted me to tell you now all that I feel
    Ti-e sufletul prea rece si cred ca mi-ar fi greu
    Your sour is too cold and I think it would be hard for me
    Privirea mea e trista, paradis pierdut
    My story is sad, paradise lost
    Cat te-am iubit, o, Doamne, n-am sa pot sa uit
    How much I loved you, oh God, I won't be able to forget you

    Nu vreau sa fiu mereu
    I don't want to be forever
    Ca-n anii de liceu
    Like in the high school years
    Cum am putut sa cred in tine, intr-un vis rebel Is "rebel" an adjective here?
    How was I able to believe in you, in a rebellious dream
    Tineri cind eram
    When we were young
    Visam si imi doream
    I was dreaming and I was wishing
    Sa nu ajung o viata sa traiesc din amintiri
    Not to come to life to live from memories ???

    N-am vrut sa cred ca ai un suflet chinuit
    I didn't want to believe that you had a ??? soul
    Dar m-am trezit acum, in lume-am revenit
    But now I woke up, I came back to the world
    Acum o duc mai bine, o alta am aflat
    Now I'll lead it in a better way, I learned another one
    La revedere proasto, adio, am plecat
    Goodbye, stupid one, bye, I'm gone

    Nu vreau sa fiu mereu
    I don't want to be forever
    Ca-n anii de liceu
    Like in the high school years
    Cum am putut sa cred in tine, intr-un vis rebel Is "rebel" an adjective here?
    How was I able to believe in you, in a rebellious dream
    Tineri cind eram
    When we were young
    Visam si imi doream
    I was dreaming and I was wishing
    Sa nu ajung o viata sa traiesc din amintiri
    Not to come to life to live from memories ???

    Cat am vrut sa te stiu
    How much I wanted to know
    Doar a mea
    That you were only mine
    Am visat sa ramai
    I was dreaming that you remained
    Doar a mea
    Only mine
    Totdeauna vei fi
    You'll always be
    Doar a mea
    Only mine
    In toti anii ce vin
    In all the years that'll come
    Doar a mea
    Only mine

    Nu mai vreau sa te stiu
    I don't want to know anymore
    Doar a mea
    That you were only mine
    Daca pleci sau ramai
    If you leave or stay
    Tot asa
    Whatever you want Is there a better translation?
    Poti sa faci ce vei vrea
    You can do what you'll want to Future??
    Treaba ta
    Your business
    Voi uita ca ai fost
    I'll forget that you've been
    Doar a mea
    Only mine
  2. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:


    Nu mai conteaza

    Poate ca tu ma cunosti din vise,
    Maybe you know me from dreams
    Din vise-n care m-ai uitat, da, da.
    From dreams in which you've seen me
    Veneai usor, erai o ispita
    You came slowly, you were a temptation
    Si ma prindeai în vraja ta, da, da.
    And you brought me under your spell

    Si azi îmi spui ca tu nu m-ai iubit deloc,
    And today you tell me that you've never loved me at all
    Tot ce a fost – cenusa-n foc, cenusa-n foc, da, da.
    All that has been - ash in the fire, ash in the fire
    Nimic nu mai conteaza, de astazi drumul e deschis,
    Nothing matters anymore, from today the road is open
    N-avem decât o viata, dar nu e timp sa o traim.
    We don't have more than one life, but there's no time for us to live it

    Poate ca eu am trait in vise,
    Maybe I've been living in dreams
    In vise din care tu ai plecat, da, da.
    In dreams you left from
    Când ma trezeam te aveam în minte
    When I woke up I had you in mind
    Si te simteam mereu a mea, da, da.
    And I always felt you with me??
  3. gea said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Mimi0920 View Post
    Since I HAVE TO improve my Romanian (which is horribly bad) I'll translate some songs I like and I'd be grateful for corrections

    Don't hesitate to critizise!!! This translation for example isn't good at all, so please somebody make it sound good

    Trooper - Doar a mea

    Daca ai vrea acum sa-ti spun tot ce simt eu
    If you wanted me to tell you now all that I feel
    Ti-e sufletul prea rece si cred ca mi-ar fi greu
    Your sour is too cold and I think it would be hard for me
    Your soul is too cold and I think it would be hard for me
    Privirea mea e trista, paradis pierdut
    My story is sad, paradise lost
    My eyes are sad ,lost paradise
    Cat te-am iubit, o, Doamne, n-am sa pot sa uit
    How much I loved you, oh God, I won't be able to forget you

    Nu vreau sa fiu mereu
    I don't want to be forever
    Ca-n anii de liceu
    Like in the high school years
    Cum am putut sa cred in tine, intr-un vis rebel Is "rebel" an adjective here?
    How was I able to believe in you, in a rebellious dream
    How could I believed in you ,in a rebellious dream [yes 'rebel' adjective]
    Tineri cind eram
    When we were young
    Visam si imi doream
    I was dreaming and I was wishing
    Sa nu ajung o viata sa traiesc din amintiri
    Not to come to life to live from memories ???
    Not to come to live a life from memories [meaning living in the past]

    N-am vrut sa cred ca ai un suflet chinuit
    I didn't want to believe that you had a ??? soul
    overdone ,wretched soul
    Dar m-am trezit acum, in lume-am revenit
    But now I woke up, I came back to the world
    Acum o duc mai bine, o alta am aflat
    Now I'll lead it in a better way, I learned another one
    Now I'm better ,I learned another one*
    La revedere proasto, adio, am plecat
    Goodbye, stupid one, bye, I'm gone

    Nu vreau sa fiu mereu
    I don't want to be forever
    Ca-n anii de liceu
    Like in the high school years
    Cum am putut sa cred in tine, intr-un vis rebel Is "rebel" an adjective here?
    How was I able to believe in you, in a rebellious dream
    Tineri cind eram
    When we were young
    Visam si imi doream
    I was dreaming and I was wishing
    Sa nu ajung o viata sa traiesc din amintiri
    Not to come to life to live from memories ???

    Cat am vrut sa te stiu
    How much I wanted to know
    Doar a mea
    That you were only mine
    Am visat sa ramai
    I was dreaming that you remained
    Doar a mea
    Only mine
    Totdeauna vei fi
    You'll always be
    Doar a mea
    Only mine
    In toti anii ce vin
    In all the years that'll come
    In all the coming years
    Doar a mea
    Only mine

    Nu mai vreau sa te stiu
    I don't want to know anymore
    I don't want to know you anymore
    Doar a mea
    That you were only mine
    Only mine
    Daca pleci sau ramai
    If you leave or stay
    Tot asa
    Whatever you want Is there a better translation?
    Poti sa faci ce vei vrea
    You can do what you'll want to Future??
    Treaba ta
    Your business
    Voi uita ca ai fost
    I'll forget that you've been
    Doar a mea
    Only mine
    * o duc mai bine = I live a better life
  4. gea said:


    As for your 2nd post , at the end of it ,I think it's more appropiate to say
    "I always felt you were mine" because "a mea" is possesive form [genitive].
    My opinion is that you're in the good direction with learning Romanian .Congrats
  5. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:



    Valul ce se sparge de mal
    The wave that breaks ????
    Intr-o mare de iubire
    In a sea of love
    Te-asteapta acum din nou sa vii!
    Is now waiting for you to come again

    Marea e un carnaval
    The sea is a carnival
    Nu stiu ce te mai retine
    I don't know what is still holding you back
    Aripi de apa vin spre tine!
    The wings?? of water are coming towards you

    Cine te cheama si cine revine?
    Who is calling you and who is coming back?
    Cine te-ndeamna cu bratele pline?
    Who is pushing you ??
    Cu bratele pline, e langa tine
    ???, it's next to you
    Si-ncearca sa smulga destďne!
    And trying to carry away destinies ???
  6. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by gea View Post
    Sa nu ajung o viata sa traiesc din amintiri
    Not to come to life to live from memories ???
    Not to come to live a life from memories [meaning living in the past]
    Multumesc frumos!! Acum am inteles ce inseamna I was reading the sentence 10 times and was confused more and more!!

    Thanks a lot for your help!!
  7. gea said:


    I know the feeling you're always welcome
  8. gea said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Mimi0920 View Post

    Valul ce se sparge de mal
    The wave that breaks on the shore
    Intr-o mare de iubire
    In a sea of love
    Te-asteapta acum din nou sa vii!
    Is now waiting for you to come again

    Marea e un carnaval
    The sea is a carnival
    Nu stiu ce te mai retine
    I don't know what is still holding you back
    Aripi de apa vin spre tine!
    The wings?? of water are coming towards you
    this is a metaphore ,take it literally

    Cine te cheama si cine revine?
    Who is calling you and who is coming back?
    Cine te-ndeamna cu bratele pline?
    Who is urging you
    Cu bratele pline, e langa tine
    with both hands, it's next to you *

    Si-ncearca sa smulga destďne!
    And trying to carry away destinies
    *to urge / to push someone from the back ;again "cu bratele pline" word by word ->full hands ,but it makes no sense to me
  9. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:


    Thank you again!!

    Metaphors are too tricky for me, there should be an "Attention! Metaphor!" sign
    But now it makes sense