Hatim Iraqi - Yam El Thoub El Ahmar[*]

Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Yam El Thoub El Ahmar[*]

Tags: 7atem, 7atim, hatem, hatim, iraqi
  1. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:

    Default Hatim Iraqi - Yam El Thoub El Ahmar[*]

    I gave the lyrics a shot. this is from the album 'ya 6eer'


    Listen to it! i hope u like it.


    yem thoob a7mar hacheeny

    ma7tar illa la ta5aleeny

    kulby badach ow 3eeny

    ta6fy alhana ill beya

    bil duniya mithlich ma 9ar

    ma5doody mishta3la bil nar

    7atim al hediya wa aswa

    hediya l-gulbich ya banaya

    wajhy qumar wa layali

    saweety b-7ali

    mashafat al nawm, a3yoony

    7ilewa wa shaklha sgeera

    5aletna n3eesh b-7eer

    ma idree min ya deera

    i7tarna ya nas, bil 7obha
    Last edited by larosa; 08-21-2010 at 06:04 PM.
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Well I could understand it, so your lyrics made sense Want to translate it now Ahmed?
  3. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    hi viva,
    yes, i would like that. Firstly, what do u think of my lyrics i put up there? if you could fix some mistakes, that would be great and then the translation i would like very much too. do u like the song?
  4. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    I meant would you like to try the translation? Let me know if you dont want to give it a try!

    The lyrics are fine Ahmed, relax!! I like them
  5. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Arabic Lyrics for you

    يا ام ثوب الاحمر حاجيني

    محتار لاتخليني .. قلبي يفداج وعيني

    وطفي لي هالنار اللي بيه

    بالدنيا مثلج ما صار .. الخدود مشتعله بنار

    خاتم اهديلج وسوار .. اهدي لي قلبج يابنيه

    وجهج قمر ويلالي .. شسويتي انتي بحالي

    ماغبتي ابد عن بالي .. وماشافت النوم عيوني

    حلوه وشكلها صغيره .. خلتني اعيش في حيره

    ما ادري من يا ديره .. احتارينا يا ناس بحبها

    احتارينا يا ناس بحبها
  6. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    And here's the translation

    يا ام ثوب الاحمر حاجيني
    Oh the one with a red dress...talk to me
    محتار لاتخليني .. قلبي يفداج وعيني
    I'm hesitant dont leave me...my heart and eye are for your sake
    وطفي لي هالنار اللي بيه
    Turn out the fire in me

    بالدنيا مثلج ما صار .. الخدود مشتعله بنار
    In this world there isnt one like you...the cheeks are aflame
    خاتم اهديلج وسوار .. اهدي لي قلبج يابنيه
    I'll present you with a ring and bracelets...present me with your heart girl

    وجهج قمر ويلالي .. شسويتي انتي بحالي
    Your face is the moon....what have you done to me
    ماغبتي ابد عن بالي .. وماشافت النوم عيوني
    You never leave my mind...and my eyes havent seen sleep

    حلوه وشكلها صغيره .. خلتني اعيش في حيره
    Pretty, and she looks young...she made me live in confusion
    ما ادري من يا ديره .. احتارينا يا ناس بحبها
    I dont know who controls her...we're confused oh people with her love
    احتارينا يا ناس بحبها
    Confused oh people with her love

    The word 7ira, it comes up alot in songs, and I always use a different translation Does anyone know the best word to describe it?
  7. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    a7ibich hawaya!! shukran a7la banat