Hatim Iraqi - Wada3tak[*]

Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Wada3tak[*]

Tags: 7atem, 7atim, hatem, hatim, hattim
  1. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:

    Default Hatim Iraqi - Wada3tak[*]

    Nice song by Hatim iraqi. i like his music videos. But I was really looking for
    wada3at 3yoony (وداعت عيوني) but this came up. can somebody find that song online for me?? Which a7la banat can find this one for me. all the translators are banat on this site eh?? lol

    حاتم العراقي - ودعتك
    Last edited by larosa; 08-21-2010 at 05:42 PM.
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Ahmed!! A7la il banat -> The prettiest of girls, A7la binit -> The prettiest girl, A7la banat -> Prettiest girls

    You always do the same mistake When talking about one girl say, a7la ilbanat, or a7la binit. If you want to talk to a group of girls say a7la banat 3ashan banat is plural

    Haha only on the arabic thread Midri where the arabic guys m5abayin

    I cant find the song wada3t i3yoni are you asking for the translation of wada3tak now?
  3. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    yes please. thanks viva
  4. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    pwety pweezeeee
  5. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ahmedisman View Post
    Nice song by Hatim iraqi. i like his music videos. But I was really looking for
    wada3at 3yoony (وداعت عيوني) but this came up. can somebody find that song online for me?? Which a7la banat can find this one for me. all the translators are banat on this site eh?? lol

    حاتم العراقي - ودعتك
    Here you go

  6. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


  7. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    Someone good with this type of song, can u take a look at my errors

    ودعتك أنا بالليل , غصبا عليا
    i promised you in night, forcibly on me

    عيني عال مولى , مولى شوف (NOT SURE)
    my eyes are on lord,, lord, see

    رديت أنا شي رديت ,
    wanted, what did want? f

    بس كون أعرف البيت
    but to know the household (family) f

    يا ريت لو ما اجيت
    I wish If only I did not come

    ما ظنيت يا فلن , تيلحاج علي
    i didnt think my love, it would make me late

    ودعتك أو رديت ويدي على خدي
    i promised or I wanted, and my hands are on my cheeks

    وحشة الدرب يا أهوى شي ريدني وحدي
    i miss the way oh my love, what did i want being alone

    وين أنا دورك وين أنا دورك
    where should i look for you, where

    رديت أنا بجرحين
    i replied in two injuries

    و أنا ادري منين راح ,
    and i know where you went.

    شي ريد إلي
    what did i want for myself?

    ودعتك و رديت و عيوني تغب
    i promised you, and replied, and my eyes talked

    كل ما يصير يغرب , إيدي على قلبي
    every time you become estranged far away, my hand is on my heart

    كل قطر مني يصيح
    every part of me screams

    خايف اقلبي يطيح
    my scared heart topples

    حتى إ لبعدين يصير علي
    even in two dimensions it becomes on me
    Last edited by ahmedisman; 08-15-2010 at 04:14 PM. Reason: correction
  8. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Loooooooooooool snap!! This one is better though, you can adjust the words to your taste by double clicking to see the other options

  9. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    thanks viva. yes i doing it less efficiently with the less advanced google translate. thanks!
  10. Gole Yas said:


    sweetz u need a fixer upper .. ur doing it or waiting for someone else ? =P
  11. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    Hiii. long time no see. definately jay intithrich tsala7 shughly please. Im waiting for you. but especially dmk khafeef, illa ya 7abbibi and al 3raf please. Almost maghreb for me now. hamdillilah today was tough. yawm kulish daiya5. :S

    thank you mariam!
    Last edited by ahmedisman; 08-15-2010 at 08:27 PM.
  12. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ahmedisman View Post
    Someone good with this type of song, can u take a look at my errors

    ودعتك أنا بالليل , غصبا عليا
    i promised you in night, forcibly on me
    ودعتك أنا بليل.. غصبا علية
    Wada3atk Ana blial, '3asban 3alya
    I said goodbye to you at night, even though I didn't want to (by force)

    عيني عال مولى , مولى شوف (NOT SURE)
    my eyes are on lord,, lord, see
    عين العمى ولاشوف ذيج المسية
    3ayn el 3ema wala shouf theeg el meseya
    Hope I was blind than seeing that night

    رديت أنا شي رديت ,
    wanted, what did want? f
    رديت انا شرديت
    Radiat ana shradiat
    I came back, why did I come back

    بس كون أعرف البيت
    but to know the household (family) f
    This is right I suppose.

    يا ريت لو ما اجيت
    I wish If only I did not come
    Right as well

    ما ظنيت يا فلن , تيلحاج علي
    i didnt think my love, it would make me late
    ماظنتي يا فلان تلحق علية
    Ma thaniat ya flan tel7g 3alya
    I didn't think you would catch up with me

    ودعتك أو رديت ويدي على خدي
    i promised or I wanted, and my hands are on my cheeks
    Arabic part is right,
    I said goodbye and I came back, and my hand is on my cheek

    وحشة الدرب يا أهوى شي ريدني وحدي
    i miss the way oh my love, what did i want being alone
    Arabic is good,
    How cruel the way is, why would I go back alone

    وين أنا دورك وين أنا دورك
    where should i look for you, where

    رديت أنا بجرحين
    i replied in two injuries
    Arabic is fine,
    I came back with two wounds

    و أنا ادري منين راح ,
    and i know where you went.

    شي ريد إلي
    what did i want for myself?
    وانا ادري مني الراح شيرده لية
    W ana adri meni lera7 sheredah leya
    And I know what I have lost, would be hard to come back to me

    ودعتك و رديت و عيوني تغب
    i promised you, and replied, and my eyes talked
    ودعتك ورديت وعيوني تربي
    Wada3tak w radiat w 3youni terba
    I said goodbye to you, and I came back with tears in my eyes

    كل ما يصير يغرب , إيدي على قلبي
    every time you become estranged far away, my hand is on my heart
    كل ما يصير غروب ايدي اعلى قلبي
    Every time the sunsets, I have my hand over my heart

    كل قطر مني يصيح
    every part of me screams
    كل كتر مني يصيح
    Every part of me cries

    خايف اقلبي يطيح
    my scared heart topples
    Arabic good,
    I'm afraid my heart is gonna drop (be broken)

    حتى إ لبعدين يصير علي
    even in two dimensions it becomes on me
    حتى الإلي بدنياي صارو علية
    7ata eli bdenyay 9aroo 3alya
    Even the things in my world, turned against me

    Ahmed, there is a difference between wada3tak- said goodbye, and wa3adtk- promised you
  13. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    ur the bestttttttttt. bas walla z7ma 3leech. thanks banaya
  14. Gole Yas said:


    hehe .. beat me to it .. good job =D