Melodious tune im sure you'll like, and i hope to put lyrics up, unless Gole can beat me to it.
Melodious tune im sure you'll like, and i hope to put lyrics up, unless Gole can beat me to it.
Last edited by larosa; 08-21-2010 at 06:02 PM.
Hello, here is my best attempt. Can somebody better take a look as well. thank you. it will be great if someone can take a look. (my first attempt at actually arabic script perhaps from scratch )
دمك خفيف أهواك
you blood is light, my love,
و ظحكت اسحار
and your laugh casts a spell (magic)
من تبتعد لحظة , ما أقدر أصبر
when you leave for a moment, I cant bear
من كل الورود كون
from all the flowers in the universe
إنت أحلى و أحلى
your the sweetest of the sweetest
حتى ورد ، منك تعطر
even flowers, from you use your perfume
حظإ لي بشوق ، خلاني أحبك
my luck/fate in eagerness
من دون كل الناس , صوفان قلبك
without all the people, your love struck me
كل لحظة أفكر بيك ,
all moments i think about you
و استاق أشوفك
and I miss seeing you
و أسأل عليك الناس ,
the people ask about you
و عينك اسحار
and your eyes casts a magical spell
إنت أحلى كل مابيك ,
your the best of what is
كل ما شعر
all what you feel
جربنا من تيستاق , تلقاني حاظر
try me with longing/missing you, you'll find me prepared
الجنة محبة وياك , صدق حبيبي
love with you is heaven, believe me baby
و بقلبى حبك دعوة ,
and in my heart, your love is medicine
loooool sweetz .. everyone is running ahead in everything these days .. im not here much .. im either asleep in the morning .. or out with family at night =P ..
here are a few corrections ..
Sweetz I corrected the Arabic lyrics .. a few things were wrong ..
*damak 5afeef literally means “your light blooded/your blood is light” .. but it actually means when someone is sweetly funny .. makes you laugh .. heik =P
The first line “damik 5afeef ahwak” .. im stil not sure if he says ahwaak or ahwaah or smthn else .. tried looking up the lyrics but couldn’t find em .. soo here’s my shot ..
دمك خفيف أهواه
your funny .. I love it
و الضحكة تسحر
and your laugh casts a spell (magic)
من تبتعد لحظة، ما أقدر أصبر
When you leave for a moment, I can’t bear it
من كل ورود الكون
from all the flowers in the universe
إنت أحلى و أحلى
You’re the sweetest of the sweetest
**you’re the most beautiful of all
حتى الورد والله، منك تعطر
even the flowers, I swear, take their scent from you
حظي حلو بالشوق، خلاني أحبك
I have good luck when it comes to passion, it made me love you
من دون كل الناس، صوافاني قلبك
without all the people, your love struck me
كل لحظة أفكر بيك
every moment I think of you
و اشتاق أشوفك
and I miss seeing you
و أسأل عليك الناس
and I ask people about you
و لعينك اسهر
And for your eyes I stay up all night
إنت أحلى كل مابيك
You’re the best, all what is in you
صدق المشاعر
The sincerity of emotions
جربني من تشتاق.. تلقاني حاظر
Try me, when you long for me.. You'll find me present/prepared
جنة المحبة وياك، صدق حبيبي
love with you is heaven, believe me my love
و بقلبى حبك دوم
And your love will always be in my heart
كل ليلة يكبر
Every night it increases
thanks mariam <3 ur the besttttttttttt
ur most welcome sweetz <3
once again. allah y5leech. ur the best of course. but can u look at this one. does it look correct
listening to it again, and again and again, i now realize perhaps this makes more sense
من دون كل الناس، صوافاني قلبك
out of all the people, your heart struck me (like an arrow)
also Gole Yas, i was wondering if you could work with me on katham sahar 0- may warad. (ill of course start a new thread)