Solved: i'm sick of looking

Thread: Solved: i'm sick of looking

Tags: help please
  1. altason said:

    Red face Solved: i'm sick of looking

    ok i'm looking for this song... duh xd sorry
    if heard it a couple of times and i even saw the videoclip
    but the name was never there
    ok ik know only a little part of the refrain
    but it is a well know song so i hope that isn't a problem:
    "this is how i feel loosing all my.... when you kiss me on the floor"
    'i'm already gone"
    that's about it xd
    but in the clip you see
    a girl-woman with short brown hair
    who is standing on a set
    and while she is singing
    people are breaking down the set

    ok i hope someone knows the song
    otherwise i will be sad...
  2. bugmenot1 said:


    "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia
  3. altason said:


    thank you sooooo much
    your a life safer
    i would hug you if i could