Looking for a song

Thread: Looking for a song

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  1. jmburke_2002 said:

    Default Looking for a song

    Hello all. I am in desperate need of some help in finding a song. I am pretty sure the song was released in the late 90's or the early 2000's. It is a rock/alternative song. I wont be much help to anyone who tries to fig this out but the first time I heard it was in 2002 when i went to college. Anyways the intro is kinda like a scary type music, maybe like a halloween intro to a scary song. It sounds to me like a electric guitar etc. I can't remember any lyrics so thats why I feel I won't ever get this song. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Please let me know anything you guys can come up with. Thank you very much.
  2. Albruna's Avatar

    Albruna said:


    Maybe the Buffy theme song?

  3. jmburke_2002 said:


    Hello. I checked out the video but it wasn't it. I got really excited hoping that it was gonna be it. Maybe some more details will help. I do know that it is a guy that sings this song. I am sorry that my details are so vague. It is a rock group I assume, idk if they were a big group back then but maybe something like adema would sing or something. it kinda sounds like there music but i haven't found anything they sing to be it. Thank you very much tho for your response and if you have any more ideas please let me kno. I'm desperate here lol.
  4. jp12345 said:


    The beginning of Linkin Park - What I've Done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgycukafqQ always reminds me of the Halloween score: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWTD-nXadaI
  5. jmburke_2002 said:


    Hello and thank you for writing. It isn't linkin park. but you are right bout the intro to Halloween, it sounds kinda scary like that. but it sounds more like an electric guitar. i just wish i could remember some lyrics to it but jus cant. I haven't heard that song since 2002 lol. i had it on a cd then and lost it and actually forgot bout the song til a few years ago and its been driving me crazy. i hope that someone who listens to rock will maybe guess it one day on here. again thank you very much.
  6. DJ Maxx's Avatar

    DJ Maxx said:


    Have you checked out Godsmack...They have a few intros to fit your description.
    Same time period.
  7. jmburke_2002 said:


    No I never thought to check them out. I am only somewhat familiar with there new stuff. I never really got into them so it didn't cross my mind. I will start checking out there older stuff now. Thank you very much.
  8. jmburke_2002 said:


    Hello everyone. I appreciate u all that have tried to help me. I did go through 6 albums of godsmack to see if it was one of there songs but of course no luck. Please if anyone can think of anything that might possible fit the description please let me know. It is such an aggravation wanting to figure out this song and can't. Again thank you for your help.