Kathem Saher - May warad

Thread: Kathem Saher - May warad

Tags: katham, kathem, kazam, kazem, warad
  1. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:

    Default Kathem Saher - May warad

    The best kathem saher song in my opinion!

    Also, somebody good at this dialect, can u check it out pleaseeeeee.. Susuita is supposed to!


    9bly mn eedak may warad
    صبلي من يداك ماء ورد
    pour me from your hands rose water

    36rk y5leeny sa3y
    عطرك يخليني سعيد
    your perfume keeps me happy

    ya ahl il-hawa 5broony, shftu il-warad ye6lb warad
    يا أهل الهوأ أخبروني , شفت الورد يطلب ورد
    oh people of love, tell me ur news, did you see the rose ask for a rose?

    ahawa min eedy, kul il-bina min eedy
    أهوى من إيدي , كل البنا من إيدي
    love from my hand, all building is from my hands (NOT SURE ABOUT BINA)

    min safa7it, ka7rbat wa sarabit waleedy \
    من صفحه , كهربة و سربت وليدي
    from her purity, she electrocuted me and stole me (I GUESSED :S)

    ya eedy lesh itrich beya , wasaflak barad
    يا إيدي ليش اتركه بية , وسفلاك برد
    of hands, why did u leave it, and describe coldly

    ahwa min rasy, kul il-bana min rasy
    أهوى من راسي , كل البنا من راسي
    love from my head/mind, all building is from my mind

    salamha min awal yawm, kul mafat7et a7sasy
    سلامها من أول يوم , كل مافتحت أحساسي
    I sent her my peace from the first day, all of my senses opened up

    ya a5feefak ill beeha, wa yekoolha ma 3ndy maseer
    يا اخفييفاك إل بيها , و يقولها ما عندي مصير
    oh featherlight from her, and tell her I have no fate (besides loving u)

    ...... can someone figure out the stuff he says here too
  2. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    صب لي من ايدك مي ورد
    pour me rosewater from your hands
    عطرك يخليني انسعد
    your perfume makes me happy
    يا اهل الهوى خبروني
    oh people of love tell me
    شفتو ورد يطلب ورد
    Have you ever seen rose asking for rose?
    آه وآه من ايدي
    oh and oh from my hand
    كل البلا من ايدي
    all trouble is caused by my hand
    إن صافحتها تكهربت
    if I shake her hand she gets an electrical shock
    واتسرب لوريدي
    and it goes to my vein
    يا ايد ليش ترجفين
    oh hand why do you shake?
    هو صيفنا تحول برد
    Has our summer turned into winter?
    آه وآه من راسي
    oh and oh from my head
    كل البلا من راسي
    all trouble is caused by my head
    سلمها من اول يوم
    it gave her from the first day
    كل مفاتيح احساسي
    all the keys of my feelings
    دايخ يفكر فيها
    it's dizzy from thinking of her
    ويقول ما عندي قصد
    and is saying it was unintentionally done
    الك سلطة على قلبي وإلك باس
    You have a power over my heart, stop!
    ملك من لمس خدينك والك باس
    the one who touches your cheeks is kind, stop!
    ولك اهدى ولك كاف ولك بس
    relax, enough, stop!
    يا ورد اجرحت ايديا
    oh rose you've hurt my hands
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  3. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    I thought of translating all over, you did a great job Ahmed!
    and yes it is a great song by Al-Saher
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  4. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    hay a7la hadiya walla. shukran jazeelen. kulish 7ilew min hay il-eed warda. <3 <3
    i loveeeee may warad especially in deserts.
  5. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    lol 3afwan , yeah it works really well with desserts
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.