José Carreras The Essential José Carreras

Thread: José Carreras The Essential José Carreras

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  1. hymnen said:

    Default José Carreras The Essential José Carreras

    Hi, who can help me with the following songs? I have no idea what Carreras sings! Thanks!

    8 TU SEI COMMOSSO! 03:31
    10 AH! FUGGI DA MORTE… 03:31
    11 FIA VERO!... DI! 01:37
    from Poliuto (Gaetano Donizetti)

    17 RÊVE! EXTASE! 03:31
    from Werther (Jules Massenet)

    18 TU QUI, SANTUZZA? 09:41
    19 LA TUA SANTUZZA 02:19
    from Cavalleria Rusticana (Pietro Mascagni)

    from Carmen (Georges Bizet)

    5 T'ESTIMO (ICH LIEBE DICH) (Edvard Grieg) 02:38
    8 FESTEIG (Eduard Toldra) 02:57
    9 A L'OMBRA DEL LLEDONER (Eduard Toldra) 04:19
    10 CANCO DE PASSAR CANTANT (Eduard Toldra) 02:45
    17 PREGARÍA (EL CANT DE L'ÁNIMA A LA VERGE) (Fermìn Maria Alvarez) 04:24
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Do you want just the lyrics or you need the translations too?
    I've tried this one, but I'm not catalan so there might be some mistakes!


    Tu ets del meu cor
    la imatge preferida,/ you're the favourite image of my heart
    tu ets del meu cor
    el goig més ben amat. / you're the most beloved joy of my heart

    T'estimo més
    que tot lo d'eixa terra / I love you more than everything on this earth
    t'estimo és cert,
    i per l'eternitat. / I love you, it's true and for eternity

    Jo penso amb tu
    i sols per tu és ma pensa. / I think of you and only for you is my thought
    Tan sols a tu
    el meu cor és consagrat. / only to you my heart is consacrated

    Tan cert com Déu
    regeix la terra immensa, / as sure as god rules the immense earth
    t'estimo amb fe
    i per l'eternitat./ i love you with faith for all eternity
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:



    Tu sei commosso!/ you are touched!

    È ver ... Sul capo mio l'onda/ true! Over my head the wave
    che terge dall'antica macchia/ that cleans from the old stain
    fia sparse in breve... Un sacro/ was quickly spread! A sacred
    terror m'investe!/ terror invades me

    Di terror che parli?/ what terror are you talking about?
    Quei che t'apre le braccia,/ the one which opens your arms
    ostia di pace s'offerse,/ offered itself as a peace host
    e pace ei dona/ and gives peace
    nell'alma in cui discende./ to the soul in which it descends

    Io n'ho ben d'uopo!/ I'd need it, forsooth!
    Da procellosi affetti/ by stormy feelings
    è sconvolta la mia./ my soul is shaken


    Velen di gelosia/ jealousy poison
    mi freme il cor!.../ my heart is trembling

    Fia vero .../ forsooth...

    Dir la parola,/ words
    intendere il pensiero mal può/ and thoughts may misunderstand
    di quanto amor la mia consorte/ with how much love my spouse
    amava ... ed amo.../ loved...and i love
    Di tristezza ingombra/full of rue
    talor la vidi, e tacito le guance/ I saw her sometimes, and silently
    solcarle amaro pianto:/ bitter tears trickling down her cheeks
    a lei ne chiesi; con labbro incerto/ I inquired after her, with trembling lips
    mendicò ragioni,/ she desperately seek reasons
    che fur pretesti./ that were feigned pretences
    A Callistene spersi/ to callistene I opened
    il mio pensier geloso,/ my jealous mind
    e d'un rivale anch'ei sospetta./ he too suspects of a rival

    Ah! Chi nomasti? Taci./ who didst thou mention? Hush!
    Ministro d'un culto iniquo,/ minister of an iniquitous cult
    ben costui le parti tutte ne adempie!/ he performs all the roles so well!
    Di virtù severa/ of strict and pure virtue
    specchio è la tua consorte./ thy spouse is mirror
    Calmati... cessa./ soothe..cease!
    Il momento s'appressa / the moment is approaching
    il momento solenne!/ the solemn moment
    A Dio ti volgi,/ turn to god
    e quel soccorso implora,/ beg for that help
    che invan giammai non fu richiesto./ that never was asked in vain

    Io piego la fronte nella polver .../ I bow in the dust
    ... e gemo ... e prego./ and i cry and i pray

    D'un'alma troppo fervida/ of a too fervid soul
    tempra, buon Dio, gli affetti.../ toughen, my god, the loves
    Tu che lo puoi, tu dissipa/ thou who canst, dissipate
    gli orrendi miei sospetti .../ my horrendous sospects
    Nel combattuto cuore/ in my suffering heart
    t'inebrii il mio favore,/ let my favour inebriates you
    né più lo scuota un palpito/ let it be never upset by a beat
    che indegno sia di te ... Ah, amor!/ unworthy of thee, ah love
    Last edited by Ligeia; 08-31-2010 at 12:54 PM.
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  4. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:



    A' piedi tuoi son io.../ I'm at your feet
    Ah! fuggi da morte/ escape from death
    orribil cotanto./ so baneful.
    All'alma ti giunga/ Let it reach thy soul
    l'acerbo mio pianto.../ my cry
    Lo sparge là, piena/ It will spread yonder, full
    d'immenso dolore./ of endless sorrow
    E pianto d'un core/ The cry of a heart
    squarciato per te./ ripped open for thee
    Ah! fuggi da morte, ecc.

    Lasciando la terra/ leaving the earth
    il giusto non muore;/ the just man doesn't die
    nel cielo rinasce/ he will be reborn
    a vita migliore./ to a better life
    Ma tergi/ but cease...dry
    l'amaro tuo pianto;/ thine bitter tears
    quel duolo soltanto / that sorrow is
    è morte per me, ecc./ like death for me

    Coraggio inaudito!/ incredble courage
    Un fulgido lume/ a bright light
    sul ciglio mi striscia / crawls on my eyelash
    E l'ombre dirada!/ and clears the shadows
    Spirarti que' sensi
    non puote che un Dio!/ no one but a god can inspire those feelings
    Lo credo, l'adoro.../ i believe, i adore him
    Che parli!...oseresti?/ what!? ...would you dare

    Sfidar la tua sorte./ defy your destiny

    Un orrido gelo mi piomba nel cor!/ a ghastly chill descend into my heart

    Al circo si vada./ let's go to the circus
    A sposo che t'ama/ to an husband who loves you
    puoi chieder la morte?/ could you ask death?

    Il giusto rinasce/ the honest reborns
    a vita migliore./ in a better life

    La terra i suoi beni/
    a me t'appresta./ the earth is preparing me for its wealths

    D'eterna esultanza/ of eternal elation
    è sede l'empiro/ is center the empyrean

    Non temi lo strazio?/ don't you fear the agony


    Dell'ora funesta?/ of the baleful hour

    No; Iddio con la fede/ god with faith
    ci dà la costanza./ gives us constancy

    La grazia nell'alma ti scende!/ may grace descend in thy soul!
    La via di salute/ the way of healt
    fu schiusa per te./ was disclosed for thee
    O Dio! insieme si muoia.../ o god! let us die together
    Un premio ne attende,/ a price awaits
    laddove possanza di tempo no è!/ there where majesty of time is not

    Ah! Il suon dell'arpe angeliche/ the sound of angelic harps
    intorno a me già sento!/ i already hear around me
    La luce veggo splendere/ I see the shining light of
    di cento soli e cento!/ a hundred suns and a hundred
    Di me non ho che l'anima!/ Only my soul is left to me
    Già son del nume al piè!/ i'm already at the god's feet

    Ah! Eternamente vivere/ eternally
    m'è dato in ciel con te/ with you in the welkin i will live
    Sì, sì, con te.
    Last edited by Ligeia; 08-29-2010 at 10:50 PM.
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  5. hymnen said:


    hi, Ligeia, thank you very much. Yes, you are right, I also need translation!
    I would like to know that what language these lyrics are? Are they all catalan?
    You did a good job for T'ESTIMO, I understand this song now. It is a classic song by Grieg and I also find its Chinese version! Exciting.
  6. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    "Poliuto" and "cavalleria rusticana" are written in Italian, "Carmen" and "Werther" are in French and the last 5 songs are in Catalan.
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  7. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Here is the translation of the final duet from Carmen. The lyrics you're looking for start in the paragraph: "Duet: Section II"
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  8. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Tu qui, Santuzza? / you here, Santuzza?
    Qui t'aspettavo. / I was awaiting you here
    È Pasqua,/ it'e easter
    In chiesa non vai? / you won't go to the church?
    Non vo. Debbo parlarti... / I won't. I must speak with you
    Mamma cercavo. / I was looking for my mom
    Debbo parlarti... / I must speak with you
    Qui no! Qui no! / not here!
    Dove sei stato? / where have you been?
    Che vuoi tu dire? A Francofonte! / what do you mean? At Francofonte
    No, non è ver! / that's not true!
    Santuzza, credimi... / believe me!
    No, non mentire;/ no, don't lie!
    Ti vidi volger giù dal sentier.../ i saw you coming down from that street
    E stamattina, all'alba,/ and this morning at dawn
    T'hanno scorto/ you've been seen
    Presso l'uscio di Lola. / near Lola's door
    Ah! mi hai spiato? / you were spying me?
    No, te lo giuro./ no, i swear you!
    A noi l'ha raccontato Compar Alfio/ We've been told by master Alfio
    Il marito, poco fa. / her husband, a few moments ago
    Cosi ricambi l'amor che ti porto?/Thus you return the love I gave you?
    Vuoi che m'uccida? / Do you wish him to kill me
    Oh! questo non lo dire... / don't say this
    Lasciami dunque, lasciami;/ then leave me, leave me
    Invan tenti sopire il giusto sdegno/ in vain you're trying to soothe my righteous anger
    Colla tua pietà. / with thy sorrow
    Tu l'ami dunque? / so you do love her
    Assai più bella è Lola. / she's so much prettier
    Taci, non l'amo. /hush! I don't love her
    L'ami...Oh! maledetta! / you do! ...Damn her!
    Quella cattiva femmina/ that wretched woman
    Ti tolse a me! / she has taken you from me
    Bada, Santuzza,/ I warn you, Santuzza
    Schiavo non sono/ I'm no slave
    Di questa vana Tua gelosia! / to thy vain jelousy!
    Battimi, insultami,/ beat me, insult me!
    T'amo e perdono,/ i love you and forgive me
    Ma è troppo forte l'angoscia mia/ but my angst is too heavy
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  9. hymnen said:

    Default thank you~

    Quote Originally Posted by Ligeia View Post
    "Poliuto" and "cavalleria rusticana" are written in Italian, "Carmen" and "Werther" are in French and the last 5 songs are in Catalan.
    It's really helpful!
  10. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:



    La tua Santuzza/ Your Santuzza
    Piange e t'implora;/weeps and implores thee
    Come cacciarla
    Così tu puoi? / how can you chase her away so cruelly?

    Va, ti ripeto/ go away, I tell you again
    Va non tediarmi,/ go, don't bother me
    Pentirsi è vano/ it is vain to repent
    Dopo l'offesa!/ right after the outrage

    Bada! / beware!

    Dell'ira tua non mi curo!/ I don't care about your peevishness

    A te la mala Pasqua, spergiuro!/ To you a bad Easter (I guess it's a way to curse him), deceiver
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  11. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Here you can find lyrics and translation of the songs in Català: "Festeig", "A l'ombra del lledoner" e "Cançó de passar cantant".
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  12. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:



    Il faut nous séparer. Voici notre maison, / we must separate. Here our house
    c’est l’heure du sommeil./ it's time to go to sleep

    Ah! pourvu que je voie ces yeux toujours ouverts,/ as long as i see these eyes always open
    ces yeux mon horizon, ces doux yeux: / these eyes my horizon, these sweet eyes
    mon espoir et mon unique joie... / my hope and my only joy
    Que m’importe à moi le sommeil? / what do i care about sleep?
    Les étoiles et le soleil peuvent bien dans le ciel tour/ the stars and the sun may as well, in the sky
    à tour reparaître, j’ignore s’il est jour... / reappear one by one, I'll ignore if it's day
    j’ignore s’il est nuit! / I'll ignore if it's night
    Mon être demeure indifférent à ce qui n’est pas toi! / my being remains indifferent to anything that is not you
    Mais, vous ne savez rien de moi. / but, you know nothing about me

    Mon âme a reconnu votre âme, Charlotte, / my soul has recognized thy soul,
    et je vous ai vue assez pour savoir / and I have seen enough to understand
    quelle femme vous êtes!/ what kind of woman thou are

    Vous me connaissez? / you know me?

    Vous êtes la meilleure ainsi que la plus belle des créatures! / you are the finest and most lovely of all the creatures


    Faut-il que j’en appelle à ceux / should I ask the opinion of those
    que vous nommez vos enfants? / you've named "your children"?

    Hélas! oui, mes enfants... / alas! my children
    Vous avez dit vrai! / you have spoken the truth!
    C’est que l’image de ma mère est présente à tout le monde ici. / the fact is that the image of my mother is present to everyone around here
    Et pour moi, je crois voir / and for me, it seems to me to see
    sourire son visage quand / her smiling face whenever
    je prends soin de ses enfants... de mes enfants!/ I take care of her children...of my children
    Ah! je souhaiterais que dans cette demeure elle revint! / how i wish she could come back to this home
    et vit au moins quelques instants si je tiens / and saw at least for a few moments
    les serments faits à la dernière heure! / if I'm keeping the oath made during her last hour
    Chère, chère maman, que ne peux-tu nous voir? / dear dear mom, can you see us?

    O Charlotte! ange du devoir,/ angel of duty
    La bénédiction du ciel sur toi repose! / the blessing of heaven rests upon thee

    Si vous l’aviez connue! / If only you had known her
    Ah! la cruelle chose de voir ainsi partir ce qu’on a de plus cher! / what a cruel thing is to see depart this way what one holds most beloved
    Quels tendres souvenirs... et quel regret amer! / what tender memories...and what bitter regret!
    Pourquoi tout est-il périssable? / why is everything so fleeting?
    Les Enfants ont senti cela très vivement;/ the children have felt this very deeply
    ils demandent souvent d’un ton inconsolable: / they often ask, with an inconsolable tone,
    Pourquoi les hommes noirs ont emporté maman? / why the dark men have taken away mom
    Rêve! Extase! Bonheur! / dream ecstasy joy
    Je donnerais ma vie pour garder à jamais ces yeux, / I'd give my life to keep forever these eyes
    ce front charmant, cette bouche adorable, étonnée et ravie... / this charming forehead, this lovely mouth, amazed and delighted
    Sans que nul à son tour les contemple un moment!/ without anyone else turning to contemplate them for a moment
    Le céleste sourire! oh! Charlotte! je vous aime... / the heavenly smile! I love thee
    je vous aime... et je vous admire! / I love thee and i admire thee

    Nous somme fous! rentrons... / we are crazy! Let's go inside

    Mais... nous nous reverrons? / but, will we see again?

    Le Bailli
    Charlotte! Charlotte! Albert est de retour! / Charlotte, Albert is back home



    Oui, celui que ma mère m’a fait jurer / yes, the man whom my mother has made me swear
    d’accepter pour époux... / to accept as husband
    Dieux m’est témoin qu’un instant près de vous... j’avais oublié le serment qu’on me rappelle! / god is my witness that for a moment, beside you, I had forgotten that oath of which now I am reminded

    A ce serment... restez fidèle! Moi... / to that loyal! I
    j’en mourrai! Charlotte! / will die of it

    Un autre! son époux! / another man! her husband!
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  13. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Pregaria o lo cant de l'ànima a la Verge

    Déu nos salve, Maria, Reyna y Mare/ god save us, mary, queen and mother
    dolsura y vida y esperansa nostra,/ sweetness and life and our hope
    à vos pregàm los desterrats fills d'Eva/ to thee we pray the banished sons of eve
    Misericordia ! Misericordia ! Misericordia !/ mercy! Mercy! Mercy!

    A vos, Senyora, la sacra Verge,/ to you Lady, holy Virgin
    l'amoroseta, la llum dels cels,/ the beloved, heaven's light
    la moreneta de la montanya,/ Moreneta of the mountain (the Black Madonna in the Montserrat monastery)
    Reina dels angels, Mare de Déu/ queen of angels, mother of god

    A vos Senyora, mon cor, mos somnis,/ to thee Holy lady, my heart, my dreams
    mas esperansas, mos pensaments,/ my hopes, my thoughts
    tot quant ma vida ne tè de vida,/ all that is my life which comes from your life
    tot quant mon ànima ne tè de fé./ all that is my soul which comes from your faith.

    Quan per mi vinga l'hora suprema,/ when my last hour will come
    Reina dels angels, lliri del cel,/ queen of angels, lily of heaven
    f'eu que a las horas, Santa Madona,/ may that in those last moments, saint madonna
    ansque'ls ulls clogue per sempre mès,/ when i will close my eyes forever
    f'eu que jo veje voltats de gloria y en mitj/ may I go surronded by glory and amidst
    de nuvols d'or y d'encens los tres grans/ clouds of gold and incense and the three great
    àngels que de ma vida sigueren sempre/ angels who've always been in my life
    companys fa els, los mèus tres ùnichs,/ my companions, my three only companions
    companys fa els l'Amor dolsissim,/ my companions, sweet love
    a mare Patria la mare Patria/ to the motherland, the motherland
    la Santa Fé la Santa Fé./ the holy faith, the holy faith
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  14. hymnen said:

    Thumbs up grateful!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ligeia View Post
    Here you can find lyrics and translation of the songs in Català: "Festeig", "A l'ombra del lledoner" e "Cançó de passar cantant".
    Grateful for your help!
  15. hymnen said:


    Hi, Ligeia, from the lyrics of POLIUTO you posted, I cannot find lyrics suitable for this one FIA VERO!... DI!, I need your help! Thank you very much!
  16. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    I've searched in the libretto, and the only "fia vero" that i could find is in the first act.
    However, in the sample that I've listened I hear the words "la grazia nell'alma ti scende", so I suppose that the lyrics you're looking for are the last part of "Ah, fuggi da morte".
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  17. hymnen said:


    hi, Ligeia, your posts really help me a lot, thanks! hmm..., here still two arias from Andrea Chénier by Umberto Giordano, please help me I guess it's Italian, right?


  18. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Yes, that's italian.

    Colpito qui m'avete ov'io geloso celo / here you stroke me, where I jealously conceal,
    il più puro palpitar dell'anima./ the purest flutter of the soul
    Or vedrete, fanciulla, qual poema / now thou shalt see, what poem
    è la parola "Amor", qui causa di scherno! / is the word "love", here object of derision

    Un dì all'azzurro spazio / one day at the blue sky
    guardai profondo, / I deeply looked
    e ai prati colmi di viole, / and over the meadows full of violets
    pioveva loro il sole, / the sun was pouring down
    e folgorava d'oro il mondo: / making the world shine like gold
    parea la terra un immane tesor, / the earth looked like an immense treasure
    e a lei serviva di scrigno il firmamento. / and the welkin was its treasure chest
    Su dalla terra a la mia fronte / up from the earth to my spring
    veniva una carezza viva, un bacio. / came a lively caress, a kiss
    Gridai vinto d'amor: / i scream, overwhelmed by love,
    T'amo tu che mi baci, / I love thee, thou that kiss me,
    divinamente bella, o patria mia! / celestially enchanting, o my homeland
    E volli pien d'amore pregar! / and so full of love, i felt the need to pray!
    Varcai d'una chiesa la soglia; / I crossed the treshold of a church
    là un prete ne le nicchie / there, a priest, in the niches
    dei santi e della Vergine, / of the saints and of the holy virgin
    accumulava doni - / was accumulating gifts
    e al sordo orecchio / and to his deaf ear
    un tremulo vegliardo / a trembling old man
    invan chiedeva pane / in vain was asking for bread
    e invano stendea la mano! / and in vain his hand was begging

    Varcai degli abituri l'uscio; / I cross the treshold of the hovels
    un uom vi calunniava / a man was swearing
    bestemmiando il suolo / cursing the soil
    che l'erario a pena sazia / that the Treasury hardly satiate
    e contro a Dio scagliava / and against god was casting
    e contro agli uomini / and against men
    le lagrime dei figli. / his children's tears
    In cotanta miseria / amidst all this misery
    la patrizia prole che fa? / what does the patrician offspring do?

    (a Maddalena)
    Sol l'occhio vostro / only thine eye
    esprime umanamente qui / here expresses humanely
    un guardo di pietà, / a compassionate look
    ond'io guardato ho a voi/ so that i looked at thee
    si come a un angelo. / as an angel
    E dissi: Ecco la bellezza della vita! / And I said: there is the beauty of life!
    Ma, poi, a le vostre parole, / but then, when i heard your words
    un novello dolor m'ha colto in pieno petto. / a new sorrow stroke my heart,
    O giovinetta bella, / o lovely young girl,
    d'un poeta non disprezzate il detto: / do not despise the words of a young poet
    Udite! Non conoscete amor, / harken ye all! You don't know love
    amor, divino dono, non lo schernir, / love, divine gift, don't mock it,
    del mondo anima e vita è l'Amor!/ Love is world's soul and life
    Last edited by Ligeia; 09-06-2010 at 08:05 AM.
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  19. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Come un bel dì di maggio / like a beautiful day of may
    che con bacio di vento / that with a kiss of wind
    e carezza di raggio / and a caress of a sunbeam
    si spegne in firmamento, / glides into the welkin
    col bacio io d'una rima, / with the kiss of a rhyme
    carezza di poesia, / caress of a poetry
    salgo l'estrema cima / I climb the last top
    dell'esistenza mia. / of my existence

    La sfera che cammina / the sphere that wanders
    per ogni umana sorte / through every human fate
    ecco già mi avvicina / is already drawing me nigh
    all'ora della morte, / to the hour of death
    e forse pria che l'ultima / and maybe ere my last
    mia strofe sia finita, / strophe will be over
    m'annuncerà il carnefice / the executioner will announce me
    la fine della vita. / the end of my life

    Sia! Strofe, ultima Dea! / Let it be so! Strophe, last goddess!
    ancor dona al tuo poeta / gift once again your poet
    la sfolgorante idea, / the blazing idea
    la fiamma consueta; / the familiar flame
    io, a te, mentre tu vivida / I, to thee, while you
    a me sgorghi dal cuore, / flow vivid from my heart
    darò per rima il gelido / I will gift you as rhyme
    spiro d'un uom che muore/ the freezing spirit of a dying man
    Last edited by Ligeia; 08-31-2010 at 12:45 PM.
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"