I want to learn Serbian

Thread: I want to learn Serbian

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  1. pmigye said:

    Smile I want to learn Serbian

    Hi there,

    I'm not new but now I need someone's help. I'm planning to go to Belgrade in December and I would love to surprise my friends by learning some phrases (daily expressions) in written and spoken Serbian.

    I hopw some can help me with this.

  2. Nata33 said:


    Hi,i am from Serbia and i could help you but you have thread of serbian language http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/le...-translations/

    If you need some phrases ask,you would be surprised how many people in Serbia can speak and understand spanish because of telenovelas ,greetings <3
  3. pmigye said:


    thanks a lot!! I was looking for a thread but couldnt find it by myself. If it is ok with you I'll contact you whenever I have doubts about it
  4. pmigye said:


    About the telenovelas, yes my friends really surprised me when they were able to understand me whenever I was speaking normal speed lol
  5. Nata33 said:


    I told you ,we all know litle spanish,and sure contact me if you need anything, greetings