Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera

Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera

Tags: 7atim, abu, hatem, hatim, sameera
  1. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:

    Default Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera

    Abu Sameera by Hatim Iraqi!! i love it... hopefully huda can do this one for me <3 shukran jazeelan



    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5
    إلعاب بيها يا أبو سميرة x5
    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5

    il-9'7ka hay it-lukeelak
    الضحك هاي يتلوكييلاك
    il-9'7ka hay it-lukeelak

    lo bil-eedak 5a6ak min malak
    لو بل إيدك خطاك من ملاك
    lo bil-eedak 5a6ak min malak

    laylak il-7ab la bas illak
    ليلك الحب لا بس إلك
    laylak il-7ab la bas illak

    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5
    إلعاب بيها يا أبو سميرة x5
    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5

    as-har hay il-layal weeyana
    أسهر هاي الليل ويانا
    as-har hay il-layal weeyana

    yal 6oolak ma ba3ad ray7an
    يل طولك ما بعض ريحان
    yal 6oolak ma ba3ad ray7an

    yal shayal bil-3aynak sahar
    يل شايل بل عيناك sahar
    yal shayal bil-3aynak sahar

    inte a7la min kul il-samur
    إنت أحلى من كل يلصامور
    inte a7la min kul il-samur

    ma sada8 bil-3yoona shaba
    ما صادق بل عيونى شابا
    ma sada8 bil-3yoona shaba

    ma7had yeshba hay w aw9aba
    محد يشبة هاي و عوقب
    ma7had yeshba hay w aw9aba

    ya a7leya wa asmar ya 3dr
    يا أحلي و اصمار يا عذر
    ya a7leya wa asmar ya 3dr

    il-roo7 gheerak ma ta7ib
    الروح غيرك ما تحب
    il-roo7 gheerak ma ta7ib

    emshy 3la nb9' kulab
    إمشي على نبض قلب
    emshy 3la nb9' kulab
  2. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    sorry ahmed, I'll try to do it tomorrow, I've no time today
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  3. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    may 5aalef ya 3iney :P of course 3la ra7tich
    you have to listen to the song though because im not confident in that ability yet
  4. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    yes that's why I delayed it because I had to listen to it and correct the lyrics

    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5
    إلعاب بيها يا أبو سميرة x5
    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5
    play/dance oh tanned one

    il-9'7ka hay it-lukeelak
    الضحك هاي يتلوكييلاك
    il-9'7ka hay it-lukeelak
    this kind of laugh suits you

    lo bil-eedee a5a6fak min malak
    لو بل إيدي اخطفك من هلك
    lo bil-eedee a5a6fak min malak
    if I can, I'll kidnap you from your family

    el layla il-7afla la bas illak
    الليلة الحفلة بس إلك
    layla il-7afla la bas illak
    tonight the party is for you only

    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5
    إلعاب بيها يا أبو سميرة x5
    il3ab beeha ya abu sameera x5

    as-har hay il-layal weeyana
    أسهر هاي الليل ويانا
    as-har hay il-layal weeyana
    stay up this night with us

    yal 6oolak nab3at ray7an
    يل طولك نبعة ريحانة
    your height is like a fountain of basil

    yal shayal bil-3aynak sahar
    يل شايل بعيناك سحر
    yal shayal bil-3aynak sahar
    you carry in your eyes magic

    ما شفنا منها بالعمر
    ma shefna menha bel 3omor
    we have never seen anything like it

    inte a7la min kul il-samur
    إنت أحلى من كل السمر
    inte a7la min kul il-samur
    you are more beautfil than all those tanned/dark skinned

    ma sada8 bil-3yoona shafa
    ما صادق بعيونه ال شافه
    ma sada8 bil-3yoona shafa
    if they see you with their own eyes they wouldn't believe (your beauty)

    ma7had yeshba hay w aw9afa
    محد يشبة هاي أوصافه
    ma7had yeshba hay w aw9afa
    no one looks like (or has) your features

    ya a7leya wa asmar ya 3dl
    يا حليوة و اسمر يا عدل
    ya a7leya wa asmar ya 3dl
    oh (you're) beautiful and tanned and fine!

    il-roo7 gheerak ma ta7ib
    الروح غيرك ما تحب
    il-roo7 gheerak ma ta7ib
    the soul loves no one but you

    emshy 3la nb9' kulab
    إمشي على نبض قلب
    emshy 3la nb9' kulab
    walk on the pulse of the heart
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  5. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    i lovve abu sameera loool thank you veryyy much. im going to send it to the person who requestd it from me in email. somebody in romania.....
  6. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    yes please do that, because the same person sent me the request as well. =)
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  7. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    haha she is really determined! i wonder why she didnt just post a thread in the forum...... i dont mind cuz it was a nice choice of song!
  8. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    well it's not my type of songs! :P
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  9. mnogoetazni's Avatar

    mnogoetazni said:


  10. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    good. i hope u understood it and we didnt keep u waiting too long