can someone plz translate farsi to english this song? very beautyful song
can someone plz translate farsi to english this song? very beautyful song
Last edited by afsaneh; 09-05-2012 at 05:52 AM. Reason: Thread titles should contain song and artist name.
I can't open the link..what's the name of song or singer?
masooD saeedi. balaYE jooN
یه روزی از همیــــــــن روزا میرم یه جای بی نشون
ye roozi az haMin rooza miraM ye jaye bineshooN...
onE day frOm these dayS, i wiLl go to a plaCE withouT any trace...
یه جا که پیدام نکنی....بشی واسم بلای جون
ye ja ke peydaM nakoNi beshI vasaM balaYE joon...
a plaVE thaT yoU can't find me.. to be my pain...
تو می دونی دستای تو سرده بدون دست من
To midooNi dastaYE to sarde bedooNE daste maN
you knoW thaT your hands are colD without My hands...
باید که از این جا برم تا نینی شکست من
Bayad ke az inJa beraM ta nabini sheKaste maN
i muSt go and leave here...( i don't want you )to see mY failuRE..
چشمای تو مونده به در با تنهاییت سر می کنی
cehshmaYE to moonde be daR ba tanhayit saR mikoNi
youR eyes are stared at the door and yoU are jusT bearinGbeing aloNE ( you are waitinG for me )
گاهی به یاد خنده هام.. گونه هاتو تر میکنی..
gaHi be yade khandehaM , gooNEhato ta mikoni!
somEtimeS in the memorY of mY laughters, your cheeks becoMe wet ( cry ),
باید برم.. باید برم اینجا وفا نداره
Bayad beraM, bayad beraM, inja vaFa nadaRe..
i muST go and leavE, thiS plaCE doesn't keeP its promiSe anymore..
خاطره هام حتی واسم دیگه صفا نداره
khaterehaM hata vasaM diGE safa nadarE!
eveN my diarieS don't haVE any intimaCy for ME...
باید برم تنها بشی ابر چشات بباره
Bayad beraM tanha besHi abre cheshaT bebaRe!
i musT go and leavE... and you becoME aloNE.... and crY (for losing me)
فکر نکنم که اون دلت بی من دووم بیاره
Fekr nakonaM ke oon deleT bi maN davooM biyarE
i don't thiNk youR hearT can stanD without me...
من که دیگه حوصله ی گذشته هامم ندارم
Man ke diGE hoseleye gozashtehaMam nadaraM!
i 'm not eveN in the mood for rememberig my pasT anymore...
تو این شبا که بی کسم بازم تورو کم ندارم
Too in shaBa ke bi kasaM bazam toro kaM nadaraM!
in theSe nightS , eventhough i aM aloNe, i don't need you heRE...
ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
It seemS like everythinG is graY...
and there's No coloR to beHold..
thank u soo much
your're welComE! !
ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
It seemS like everythinG is graY...
and there's No coloR to beHold..