Help please....childhood song

Thread: Help please....childhood song

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  1. fescout22 said:

    Smile Help please....childhood song

    Growing up I used to do live human videos in church, my favorite was to a song called " He is still the Father". I can't for the life of me remember or find the artist of this song. I know its a female artist and here are some of the lyrics......
    They tell her God loves her, she says that's great. They tell here he's the father then she hesitates....
    He is still the father who loves his little girls. And he would never hurt you or destroy your world. In his eyes you'll sparkle like a priceless shiny pearl and he is still the father who loves his little girls.
    I hope someone can help. Thanks!
  2. jp12345 said:


    Priscilla Engle - He is Still a Father