Parody - Colgando en tus manos

Thread: Parody - Colgando en tus manos

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  1. Lunita's Avatar

    Lunita said:

    Default Parody - Colgando en tus manos

    It's a parody song. Can someone translate it please? ^^
  2. Afet's Avatar

    Afet said:


    Quiza no fue coincidencia encontrarme contigo
    Maybe wasnt coincidence to meet with you

    Para mi fue mas bien un castigo
    To me was better like a punishment

    Quiero cantarte y cantarte y cantarte
    I want sing to you and sing to you and sing to you

    Dejalo, de verdad Carlos Baute
    Leave it, really Carlos Baute

    Cantarte este tema sera mi destino
    To sing this theme will be my destiny

    Ahora entiendo lo que es un cansino
    Now ı understand what is a "cansino"

    Pues yo pienso cantarte quieras o no quieras
    So ı think sing to you, want it or not

    Me ha atacado la mosca perrera
    Has attacked me the kennel fly

    Sabes que soy cancion del verano
    You know ı'm the summer's song

    Mmmmmm...yo ya no lo soporto mas
    Mmmmmm... ı dont stand it anymore

    Sabes que sooooooy
    You know that ı aaaaam

    Cancion del veraaaaano
    A summer's sooooooong

    Te canto la letra para que te duermas
    I sing (for you) the lyrics to fall asleep

    Y me la repite a las 4:40
    And (he) repeats me (the song) at 4:40

    Te pego la brasa mientras desayunas
    *I fix for you the grill while you take breakfast

    Y cuando me baño canta en mi ducha
    And when ı'm showering (he) sings in my douche

    Descanso un minuto porque es inhumano
    I rest a minute because its inhumane/heartless

    Y vuelvo a cantar la cancion del verano
    And again ı sing the summer's song

    Cuidado, cuidado
    **Carefulness, carefulness

    Que vuelve a cantar la cancion del verano
    That again sings the summer's song

    Te canto al oido y asi te agasajo
    I sing in your ear so (with this) ı entertainment you

    Prefiero arrancarme la oreja de cuajo
    I prefer to tear my ear/uproot my ear

    Te doy la barrila con mucha ternura
    I give you the barrel with a lot of tenderness

    Me escondo en el cubo de la basura
    I hide myself in the trash can

    Descanso un minuto porque es inhumano
    I rest a minute because its inhumane

    Y vuelvo a cantar la cancion del verano
    And ı sing again the summer's song

    Cuidado, cuidado
    **Carefulness, carefulness

    Y vuelvo a cantar la cancion del verano
    And ı sing again the summer's song

    Cuiddo, cuidado
    **Carefulness, carefulness

    Que vuelvo a cantar la cancion del verano.
    That again ı sing the summer's song

    *Here ı guess he means to fix it but the literal meaning would be "ı hit" and in the video seems he is inside of an oven maybe fixing it ha
    **Literal meaning again would be "carefulness" but would be better to get it as "be careful, be careful"

    Hope it helps.
    Cuando mueran los astros y queden sólo restos de polvillo cósmico,
    iremos de paseo por esas soledades para enseñarte miamor, lo que es la eternidad. ♡
  3. Lunita's Avatar

    Lunita said:


    Thanks so much!
  4. Afet's Avatar

    Afet said:


    You're welcome
    Cuando mueran los astros y queden sólo restos de polvillo cósmico,
    iremos de paseo por esas soledades para enseñarte miamor, lo que es la eternidad. ♡