Μελίνα Κανά - Απ' τα κρυμμένα να σωθείς

Thread: Μελίνα Κανά - Απ' τα κρυμμένα να σωθείς

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  1. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:

    Default Μελίνα Κανά - Απ' τα κρυμμένα να σωθείς

    I've tried to translate this nice song; yet I'm not sure about the full meaning of some sentences. So, please, a native greek may correct me!

    Music & Lyrics: Kostas Kaldaras Singing: Melina Kana CD : Tragoudia ap' to Parathiro

    Απόψε πάλι που θα βγεις - Tonight since you will go out again
    θέλω να πιεις και να μεθύσεις - I want you to drink and to get drunk
    απ τα κρυμμένα να σωθείς - to be saved from the hidden concerns
    στα περασμένα να γυρίσεις - to come back to the past concerns

    Ότι σε φέρνει τιμωρεί - Bringing you in is punishing
    ότι σε διώχνει σε λυτρώνει -Sending you away is eliberating you
    άδειο ποτήρι η ζωή - life is an empty glass
    ή το γεμίζεις ή σε κόβει - or you fill it up or it cuts (hurts) you

    Απόψε πάλι που θα βγεις - Tonight since you go out again
    θέλω να πιεις και να μεθύσεις - I want you to drink and to get drunk

    Απόψε πάλι που θα ρθεις - Tonight since you will come again
    την πόρτα πίσω σου να κλείσεις - do shut the door behind you
    από γυναίκα θα κρυφτείς - you'll hide yourself from woman/wife
    μα σε γυναίκα θα γυρίσεις - but you will come back to woman/wife

    Ότι σε φέρνει τιμωρεί - Bringing you in is punishing
    ότι σε διώχνει σε λυτρώνει -Sending you away is eliberating you
    άδειο ποτήρι η ζωή - life is an empty glass
    ή το γεμίζεις ή σε κόβει - or you fill it up or it cuts (hurts) you

    Απόψε πάλι που θα ρθεις - Tonight since you will come again
    την πόρτα πίσω σου να κλείσεις - do shut the door behind you
    Last edited by geomac; 10-05-2010 at 01:38 AM.
  2. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    I've made some coreections.

    But who brings in or sends away? Wife or life ?
  3. Jenova's Avatar

    Jenova said:


    Neither wife nor life. I'd say... things.

    What brings you here, punishes you
    What sends you away, redeems you
    (your soul)

    Life is an empty glass
    Either you fill it up or it cuts you
  4. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    oh! this was my first translation either:

    What brings you in, is punishing
    What sends you away, is eliberating you
    Life is an empty glass
    or you fill it up or it cuts (hurts) you

    then I've changed to :

    Ότι σε φέρνει τιμωρεί - Bringing you in is punishing
    ότι σε διώχνει σε λυτρώνει -Sending you away is eliberating you
    άδειο ποτήρι η ζωή - life is an empty glass
    ή το γεμίζεις ή σε κόβει - or you fill it up or it cuts (hurts) you

    because i thought finally that "Ότι" = "that" and not "Ό,τι" = "what / whatever"

    the rest of translation is ok?

    thank you
    Last edited by geomac; 10-05-2010 at 09:27 AM.
  5. Jenova's Avatar

    Jenova said:


    The only thing I'd correct is the word concerns,
    because the lyrics don't specify what those hidden and past things really are.

    Απόψε πάλι που θα βγεις - Tonight since you will go out again
    θέλω να πιεις και να μεθύσεις - I want you to drink and to get drunk
    απ τα κρυμμένα να σωθείς - to be saved from the hidden ones
    στα περασμένα να γυρίσεις - to come back to the past ones

    or better:

    to be saved from what is hidden
    to come back to what has passed
  6. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    thank you so much , Jenova ; glad that you're here
  7. catherini's Avatar

    catherini said:


    Great song geomac, I loved it when I first heard it on the radio a couple of months ago. Thanks for posting the lyrics and translation, it helps me understand it a bit better

    I also love this song of hers, already translated on the video.

    Melina Kana - Milo gia sena
  8. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    wow! great, wonderful and special song thank you so much for sharing , catherini!(I didn't know about it 'till now)

    the instrumental part is so nice ; it resembles to celtic / irish music and it seems that is coming directly from heaven...

    beautiful melody and the voice of Melina also; obviously, the lyrics are very,very sad (a very "trend" in greek music)
  9. catherini's Avatar

    catherini said:


    I thought you'd like it geomac, music for the soul.....
  10. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


  11. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:



    do you know this wonderful song?

    Melina Kana - Ah na perasei o piretos

  12. catherini's Avatar

    catherini said:


    Yes geomac, I love that song and also this one, from the album 'Metaxota Tragoudia'

    Είσαι γλυκό του κουταλιού
  13. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    great song

    I've listened to it just few times, on radio, many years ago. But I never knew who sang it untill now.

    Talking about Melina Kana, first time that I ever heard about her was when listening to the song "Kleise ta matia sou" , wrote by Nikos Portokaloglou and sang by Nikos Portokaloglou and Melina Kana