Any one know this song?Nekogash i nedge

Thread: Any one know this song?Nekogash i nedge

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  1. metroidz said:

    Default Any one know this song?Nekogash i nedge

    Could someone please give me a translation for this song and or tell me what its about. Thanks

    Nekogash i nedge
  2. Citycat's Avatar

    Citycat said:


    Nekogash i nedge - Vlado Janevski / Некогаш и негде - Владо Јаневски

    Vlado Janevski - Someday and somewhere

    Одамна веќе не знам и не умеам
    It's been a long time since I don't know how and I can't
    без тебе да легнам, а да не помислам
    go to sleep without you, and not to think
    каде си... ме мислиш ли и ти?
    where you are... do you think about me?
    Одамна нема утро да ме осамне
    It's been a long time since a morning dawned on me
    без да праша зошто веќе не си крај мене
    without me asking why you're not next to me anymore
    каде си... ме мислиш ли и ти?
    where are you... do you think about me?

    Не знам како ти е друг штом те покрие,
    I don't know what it's like to you when someone else covers you
    ил сама во постела перница си гушнала?
    or you are (were?) hugging your pillow in your bed
    Само знам -
    I only know -
    Некогаш и негде ќе те сретнам пак
    Sometime and somewhere I will meet you again
    покрај мене ќе блеснеш ко светулка во мрак
    You'll shine in front of me like a light in a dark
    Со поглед ке ти раскажам
    I'll explain to you with my eyes
    дека без тебе не можам
    that I can't (be) without you
    има нешто посилно од се
    There's something stronger than me (?)
    Љубовта е ретка птица брлива
    Love is a rare bird, half-witted
    без причина ќе слета и без збор ќе одлета
    it will land without cause and it will fly away without a word
    некаде кај друг да запее
    somewhere, to sing to someone else
    Бакнежот е средба најубава на свет
    Kiss is the best meeting in the world
    мост на кој си идат душите во пресрет
    A bridge to where the souls go to meet
    а мојата те чека на пола пат
    and my (soul) is waiting for you halfway
    Под кожа се уште те чувам
    I'm still keeping you under my skin
    и претчувствувам:
    and I feel
    Некогаш и негде ќе те сретнам пак...
    Someday and somewhere I will meet you again
  3. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    wait,wait ive already translated it here:

    Некогаш и негде
  4. Citycat's Avatar

    Citycat said:


    Ok, ok. I didn't see your post. Anyhow, it's always good to have more than one translation.
  5. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Citycat View Post
    Ok, ok. I didn't see your post. Anyhow, it's always good to have more than one translation.
    its ok,dont worry
  6. metroidz said:


    Thanks guys