Anka - Nu Vreau Sa Te Pierd

Thread: Anka - Nu Vreau Sa Te Pierd

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  1. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:

    Cool Anka - Nu Vreau Sa Te Pierd

    Yes guys I have finally ventured into the Romanian forum A romanian song somehow found its way onto my ipod (Dragonfly ) and its quite grown on me

    Can someone please give me the lyrics and the translation for it too?

  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    Nu vreau să te pierd
    i don't wanna lose you
    Mi-e atāt de dor şi-am să te aştept
    i miss you so much and i'm gonna wait for you
    Tu eşti tot ce am şi sper
    you are all i have and i hope
    Că vei veni şi atunci va fi
    that you will come and then it will be
    Ca-n prima zi..
    like in the first day

    Cānd sunam să-ţi spun ce simt
    when i used to call to tell you what i feel
    Nu ştiu ce e, cu tine
    i don't know what's up with you
    Nopţi īntregi iar te-am visat
    i dreamed you again for entire nights
    Din nou lāngă mine
    next to me again

    Eu aici şi tu departe
    i (am) here and you are far
    Nu mai ştiu ce ne desparte
    i no longer know what separates us
    Poate e doar o amăgire
    maybe is just a delusion
    Te vreau doar pe tine..
    i only want you

    Nu vreau să te pierd
    i dont wanna lose you
    Mi-e atāt de dor şi-am să te aştept
    i miss you so much and i'm gonna wait for you
    Tu eşti tot ce am şi sper
    you are everything i have and i hope
    Că vei veni, mă vei iubi..
    that you will come, you will love me

    Spune-mi ce să fac s-ajung
    tell me what to do to get
    Aproape de tine..
    close to you
    Spune-mi cum pot să rezist
    tell me how can i resist
    Cānd nu eşti cu mine
    when you are not with me
    Last edited by kmmy; 10-15-2010 at 10:43 AM.
  3. NNA for life's Avatar

    NNA for life said:


    Nu vreau sa te pierd
    I don't wanna lose you
    Mi-e atat de dor
    I miss you so much
    Si-am sa te astept
    And i will wait you
    Tu esti tot ce am si sper
    You are everything i got and i hope
    Ca vei veni si atunci va fi
    That you will come and than will be
    Ca-n prima zi
    Like in first day

    Te-am sunat sa-ti spun ce simt
    I've called you to tell you what i feel
    Nu stiu ce-i cu tine
    I don't know what is whit you
    Nopti intregi iar te-am visat
    Full night again i've dreamed you
    Din nou langa mine
    Again by my side

    Eu aici si tu departe
    I (am) here and you away
    Nu mai stiu ce ne desparte
    I don't know what fell us apart
    Poate-i doar o amagire
    Maybe is just an illusion
    Te vreau doar pe tine
    I want just you(she want just him,no other one

    Nu vreau sa te pierd
    I don't wanna lose you
    Mi-e atat de dor
    I miss you so much
    Si-am sa te astept
    And i will wait you
    Tu esti tot ce am si sper
    You are everything i got and i hope
    Ca vei veni,ma vei iubi
    That you will come,that you will love me
    Nu vreau sa te pierd
    I don't wanna lose you
    Mi-e atat de dor
    I miss you so much
    Si-am sa te astept
    And i will wait you
    Tu esti tot ce am si sper
    You are everything i got and i hope
    Ca vei veni si atunci va fi
    That you will come and than will be
    Ca-n prima zi
    Like in first day

    Spune-mi ce sa fac sa ajung aproape de tine
    Tell me what to do to come near you
    Spune-mi cum pot sa rezist cand nu esti cu mine
    Tell me how to resist when you are not whit me

    Eu aici si tu departe
    I (am) here and you away
    Nu mai stiu ce ne desparte
    I don't know what fell us apart
    Poate-i doar o amagire
    Maybe is just an illusion
    Te vreau doar pe tine
    I want just you(she want just him,no other one
    ------>Kaal ho na ho<------
    ------>Lebnan ya 2it3it sama<------
    ------>La 2ilaha 2illa allah<------
  4. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Cammy and Marian - Thank you both so much! Mersi!!
  5. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    cu placere :*