Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN)

Thread: Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN)

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  1. Citycat's Avatar

    Citycat said:

    Default Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN)

    В Facebook нощ и ден ти търсиш контакт с мен
    V Facebook nosht i den ti tyrsish kontakt s men
    You’re looking for me (all) night and day on Facebook
    на снимката готин си, на живо такъв ли си?
    na snimkata gotin si, na zhivo takyv li si?
    You look cute on your picture, do you look the same in reality?
    В Facebook нощ и ден ти сваля зведи за мен
    V Facebook nosht i den ti svalya zvedi za men
    (all) night and (all) day you’re getting the stars down for me
    мен ли искаш за ноща - първо чуй това.
    men li iskash za noshta - pyrvo chuj tova.
    If you want me tonight – hear this first

    Тази нощ до мен те искам, очи в очи
    Tazi nosht do men te iskam, ochi v ochi
    Tonight, I want you next to me, face to face,
    този път покана пращам в сърцето ти
    tozi pyt pokana prashtam v syrceto ti
    This time I’m sending an invitation to your heart
    истински да бъда твоя приемаш ли.
    istinski da byda tvoya priemash li.
    To be yours for real – do you accept?

    Харесваш ми профила - да, но там съм излъгала,
    Haresvash mi profila - da, no tam sym izlygala,
    You like my (Facebook) profile – yes, but I lied there
    харесваш ми снимката, но тя не е моята,
    haresvash mi snimkata, no tya ne e moyata,
    you like my photo, but it’s not mine
    на живо различна съм и секси и дива съм
    na zhivo razlichna sym i seksi i diva sym
    I am different in reality – I’m both sexy and a diva
    мен ли искаш за ноща - първо чуй това.
    men li iskash za noshta - pyrvo chuj tova.
    If you want me tonight – hear this first

    Тази нощ до мен те искам, очи в очи
    Tazi nosht do men te iskam, ochi v ochi
    Tonight, I want you next to me, face to face,
    този път покана пращам в сърцето ти
    tozi pyt pokana prashtam v syrceto ti
    This time I’m sending an invitation to your heart
    истински да бъда твоя приемаш ли.
    istinski da byda tvoya priemash li.
    To be yours for real – do you accept?
  2. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:



    * 0:08 - 0:10
    * 0:51 - 0:55
    * 1:12 - 1:16
  3. Citycat's Avatar

    Citycat said:


    * 0:08 - 0:10 ----> DJ.. Стига с този.. Facebook.. // DJ ... stop that... Facebook (She means - DJ, stop that record scratching)
    * 0:51 - 0:55 ----> ОК! Къса рокля сложи, статуса смени и за мен се приготви.. // OK! Put on a short dress, change your (Facebook) status and get ready for me
    * 1:12 - 1:16 ----> ОК! Къса рокля сложи, статуса смени и за мен се приготви.. // OK! Put on a short dress, change your (Facebook) status and get ready for me
    the end of the clip ----> Егати face-а.. // Here's your face(book)
  4. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    I like that song haha facebook is everywhere <3
  5. Narkissos's Avatar

    Narkissos said:


    Oh God you know we've reached the bottom when they start making chalga songs about facebook :P
    Adam-е zendeh, zendegi mikhad / Живият човек се нуждае от живот
  6. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    we've reached the bottom
    Hehe, you are unmistakable, Narkissos! After reading your line, I hardly knew how to remove the big grin from my face

    Well – among us – you know I don’t care much about the subject of chalga songs anyway. But - if you and me were singing a song in public, sitting on a chair, legs opened wide and just in underpants…
    …would anyone take notice of what we sing about?! So why should they do, when Gergana does quite the same :P
  7. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    LOOOOOOOOOOL "legs opened wide and just in underpants" - legendary!
  8. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Krasiva, better don't thank me for my suggestion with Narkissos. Don’t court disaster!
  9. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    that's the fun part about chalga
    half naked girls and senseless lyrics are awesome! <3
  10. Narkissos's Avatar

    Narkissos said:


    Haha Mozart I will ignore the homoerotic undertones of that scenario you've just described
    Krasiva is right of course.As long as they are shaking their tits I couldn't care less what they were singing about either.
    (Do people even notice what the songs are about?)
    Adam-е zendeh, zendegi mikhad / Живият човек се нуждае от живот
  11. Sofijski Mozart said:


    As long as they are shaking their tits I couldn't care less what they were singing about either.
    Ayyy Narkissos, I couldn't have said it any better for sure, but for what price! :P

    I will ignore the homoerotic undertones of that scenario you've just described
    Ooh yess, by all means
  12. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    Girls who like chalga are are just like those girls (most of them) I study the party pictures the chalga singers upload on facebook, I know what i am talking about haha there is no diffrence between them!