spanish to english

Thread: spanish to english

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  1. croatian babe's Avatar

    croatian babe said:

    Default spanish to english

    pleas can any of you translate for me song from MALU-sy estoy loca?please
  2. amelita's Avatar

    amelita said:


    Si Estoy Loca - Malú
    If I am crazy

    Sé que estás buscándome en otra piel,
    I know you 're looking for me in another skin,
    y que olvidaste el valor de ser fiel,
    and that you 've forgotten the value of being faithful
    que al fin cruzaste el mar,
    that in the end you crossed the sea,
    aquel que nos quiso dar,
    the one that wanted to give to us
    sin darnos jamás la oportunidad
    the opportunity without ever doing so (without ever giving it to us)

    Sé que es tarde, que la vida es un tren
    I know it 's late, that life is a train
    que por estúpida he vuelto a perder
    and for being stupid I 've lost again
    que aquí en mi soledad me enfrentaré a la verdad
    that here in my solitude I am going to face the truth
    la que odio más; y me gusta saber
    the one I hate most; and it pleases me to know
    Dime dime dime
    Tell me tell me tell me

    Si estoy loca, si no te di lo que hoy te da otra
    If I am crazy, since I did not give you what today some other (woman) gives you
    si te hice daño sólo ha sido culpa mía
    if I harmed you it was just my fault
    te quiero y me muero, dime si estoy loca
    I love you and I am dying, tell me if I am crazy
    si es mi castigo verme aquí sola
    since it is my punishment to see me here alone
    entre la inmensidad de las olas
    among the immensity of the waves
    te siento tan lejos,
    I feel you so far away,
    el frío es eterno bajo mi piel
    the cold is perpetuous (endless) under my skin
    tan amargo y cruel
    so bitter and cruel
    Te imagino enamorado y feliz
    I imagine you in love and happy
    pero el amor hoy se ríe de ti
    but today love laughs at you
    Por una sola flor abandonaste un jardín
    For a single flower you abbandoned a garden
    repleto de amapolas para ti
    full of poppies for you

    dime dime dime
    tell me tell me tell me

    Si estoy loca.....
    If I am crazy.....
    y yo te siento tan lejos
    and I feel you so far away
    Dime si estoy loca...
    Tell me if I am crazy...
    si estoy loca
    if I am crazy
    Last edited by amelita; 07-02-2007 at 07:40 PM.
  3. croatian babe's Avatar

    croatian babe said:


    thank you so much!
  4. amelita's Avatar

    amelita said:


    you are welcome ; )