Challenge: Lyrics from Farsi Song - حیف که چشمات مثل چشم آهو

Thread: Challenge: Lyrics from Farsi Song - حیف که چشمات مثل چشم آهو

Tags: lyric, old songs
  1. john24 said:

    Exclamation Challenge: Lyrics from Farsi Song - حیف که چشمات مثل چشم آهو

    Hi all,
    I have already posted this thread at "Identify it" area, but I'm not sure I will find this song there, since the area consists other languages too.
    I know this thread doesn't belong so much to this area, but I really need help from Persian people, especially from those who are expert in identifying old Farsi songs.
    The song talked about is an old Farsi song, which I can't remember neither its title nor artist.
    What I do remember is some lyrics from it:

    "...Parijoon heif ke cheshat mesle cheshe ahoo mimoune radobalat mesle... mimoune...
    Parishow kcho mididom sarete roo zanooham gozashti az cheshat tuye chesham setareye talah mizashti az cheshat tuye chesham setareye talah mizashti..."

    I am sorry for the words written in English. I don't know how to write them in Farsi.
    I will be glad if you help me to identify this beautiful song.
    I wish to point out that this song is very old (about 30 years ago...).
    Thank you very much!!!
    Last edited by john24; 08-25-2010 at 04:09 AM.
  2. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    it seems that it's really an old song....unfortunately i don't know old songs very well but i'm sure other guys here will help you....just be patient...
  3. john24 said:

    Thumbs up Thanks...

    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    it seems that it's really an old song....unfortunately i don't know old songs very well but i'm sure other guys here will help you....just be patient...
    Thanks for even trying to help. If anyone else can help in identifying this old song, he / she will be the master of Persian songs lyrics! Just kidding

    As I said, I would be grateful to know any little piece of inform@tion about this song.

    Thank you all!
  4. john24 said:

    Thumbs up Up!

    I know it's a difficult challenge, but I assume someone will identify this song eventually.
    I believe this song was released on the 70s. Please, let me know any piece of information about this.
    I've been looking for this song for years.
    Last edited by john24; 08-29-2010 at 05:20 AM.
  5. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    i wish you could remember more lyric of the song or at least the name of the singe...!!!!!!! I'm a member in another forum which is only for oldP ersian songs and i asked your question there....hope they can help...!
  6. john24 said:

    Lightbulb Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    i wish you could remember more lyric of the song or at least the name of the singe...!!!!!!! I'm a member in another forum which is only for oldP ersian songs and i asked your question there....hope they can help...!
    Thank you very much for your help. I wish you could post a link to the old Persian songs forum.
    Here is more lyrics (with fixed lyrics):

    "...Parijoon heif ke cheshat mesle cheshe ahoo mimoune radobalat mesle... mimoune...
    Parishow kcho mididom sarete roo zanooham gozashti az cheshat tuye chesham setareye talah mizashti az cheshat tuye chesham setareye talah mizashti..."

    I think this song might be a Shirazi song.

    Thank you again!
  7. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    unfortunately there is no answer yet.....but if i find something i will let you know...i wonder what's going on that Persian forum is not crowded anymore....there used to be more people here...!!!so i guess as long as the forum is like this we can't be able to solve the problem of this mysterious song...!!
  8. john24 said:

    Smile Reply

    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    unfortunately there is no answer yet.....but if i find something i will let you know...i wonder what's going on that Persian forum is not crowded anymore....there used to be more people here...!!!so i guess as long as the forum is like this we can't be able to solve the problem of this mysterious song...!!
    I think the request you sent on behalf of myself should be posted at Shirazi forum, because this song is apparently a Shirazi song. By the way, could you provide me the link to the website in which you posted my request?
    P.S. I sent to you private massages about this issue. Could you please reply to them?
    Thank you!