I'll try to translate it for you but my arabic is not that good too.
And i will aslo type what he says in arabic but I'm not sure of all the lyrics. So if someone can correct my mistakes I would appreciate
Note: in Arabic poetry/ music, the female beloved is addressed in masculine form for poetic license
W mal 7bibi malo
My love, what does he have
Golole wash jralo
Tell me what happened to him
Lbara7 kan y bghini
Yesterday he was in love with me
Wlyoum tghayar 7alo
And today he changed his mind
Kan dima fiya y sowel
He was always asking about me
W ghyabo 3liya 6owel
And his absence is
becoming long
Lazem shi 7ad fbalo
There must be somebody in his mind
Wallah 3lih man3awel
[I didn't understand this part]
I will not rely on him (meaning I no longer trust her)
W mal 7bibi malo
My love, what does he have
Golole wash jralo
Tell me what happened to him
Lbara7 kan y bghini
Yesterday he was in love with me
Wlyoum tghayar 7alo
And today he changed his mind
Kan dima fiya y sowel
He was always asking about me
W ghyabo 3liya 6owel
And his absence is long
Lazem shi 7ad fbalo
There must be somebody in his mind
Wallah 3lih man3awel
[I didn't understand this part] I will not trust him
Wallah 7ram 3lik
I swear shame on you .. more like meaning How could you?
Hjartini bla seba
left me without a reason
Wjra7ti lm7aba
And you broke our love
Wallah 7ram 3lik
I swear shame on you
Diya3t m3ak zamani
I wasted my time with you
Hjirti li kan y bghik
You hurted the one who loved you
... (Note: lbarani means the stranger but i didn't get what he said just before)
he said: and you ran (Jriti) to a stranger
Machi nadem 7it bghitek
I don't regret the fact that I loved
Rabi 3alem beli biya
God knows what's in me
Wa7do 9ader y nsini feek
Alone can he make me forget you
W yetfy nar el kiya
put out the fire (burning inside of me)
W mal 7bibi malo
My love, what does he have
Golole wash jralo
Tell me what happened to him
Lbara7 kan y bghini
Yesterday he was in love with me
Wlyoum tghayar 7alo
And today he changed his mind
Kan dima fiya y sowel
He was always asking about me
W ghyabo 3liya 6owel
And his absence is long
Lazem shi 7ad fbalo
There must be somebody in his mind
Wallah 3lih man3awel
[I didn't understand this part]
same as above
Safi sma7te fiya
That's it you "abandoned" me
Ma derti 7sab liya
You didn't take me into consideration
(as in left with no regret)
Yeb9a 9elbi wa7dani
My heart will stay alone
W liyam dour dour
And the days shall pass and pass
gha terja3 la7dani
And you will come back to my arms
Wakha te9ta3 lbkhour
Even if you go across oceans & seas..
Lazem ma tjini tani
you will end up coming back to me
Machi nadem 7it bghitek
I don't regret loving you
Rabi 3alem beli biya
God knows what's in me
Wa7do 9ader y nsini
Alone he can forget me
W yetfy nar el kiya
And he turns off the fire ...
same corrections as above
W mal 7bibi malo
My love, what does he have
Golole wash jralo
Tell me what happened to him
Lbara7 kan y bghini
Yesterday he was in love with me
Wlyoum tghayar 7alo
And today he changed his mind
Kan dima fiya y sowel
He was always asking about me
W ghyabo 3liya 6owel
And his absence is long
Lazem shi 7ad fbalo
There must be somebody in his mind
Wallah 3lih man3awel
[I didn't understand this part]