Black Cats - Rendez-vous

Thread: Black Cats - Rendez-vous

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  1. eliiin27's Avatar

    eliiin27 said:

    Default Black Cats - Rendez-vous

    hey guys! quick favor to ask. can any of you please translate the two following songs :

    entezar - by navid and omid
    rendezvous - by black cats

    please! =)
  2. PersianPantea's Avatar

    PersianPantea said:

    Default Blackcats - rendezvous

    ai ai khoshgel khanoom
    hey hey pretty girl
    rendezvous bia sare koochamoon
    lets meat at my block
    ai ai ay khoshgele
    hey hey beautiful
    nagoo nemishe nagoo moshkele
    dont say u cant dont say its hard
    ai ai khoshgel khanoom
    hey hey pretty girl
    chera nemiay sare koochamoon
    why wont u come at my block
    ai ai ay khoshgele
    hey hey beautiful
    chera toro dashtan moshkele
    why is heavin u so hard

    too sine ghalbam boom boom
    in my chest my heart goes boom boom
    mizane deltanget hastam
    it beats that its missing u
    bia ke cheshm be rahtam
    come cuz im waitin 4 u
    bia ke man del be to bastam
    come cuz my heart is attaced 2 yours
    bia ta sare koochamoon
    come 2 my block
    tako tanha ta key beshninam
    till when should i sit all alone
    kojai bighararam
    where are u my restless one
    ke biay bitamo khastam
    come, im fragile and tired

    nakone ke mano sarekar bezare
    hope she;s not playin with me
    nayad o tanham bezare
    that she wont come and leave me alone

    nakone ke mano ghal bezare
    hope she's not standin me up
    nayad o tanham bezare
    that she wont come and leave me alone
  3. eliiin27's Avatar

    eliiin27 said:


    Thank you PersianPantea for the translations. =)