EPIC ALBUM FINISHED needing lyricisist

Thread: EPIC ALBUM FINISHED needing lyricisist

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  1. nmrecording said:

    Default EPIC ALBUM FINISHED needing lyricisist

    this album really takes you places, it has been described as porcupine tree like, mars volta, pink floyd, jimmy hendrix.

    I cant really say any of this because I listen to music so much I hear such diversity in each artist but this music is definitely original and all write, performed, recorded, mixed, and mastered by me.

    I play multiple guitar parts, bass, drum,s keyboards, strings, brass in the album

    the music ranges from jazzy blues like to hypnotic mutant metal progressive pop and is quite psychadelic and funky at times

    the entire album flows and theres about 50 minutes of music over 8 tracks.

    Ive been doing this over ten years and its my masterpiece.
    I am ready to do vocals just been in a bad place for writing lyrics lately, Ive tried but I am too critical and more of a poet than a lyricist to satisfy the rest of the music.

    Many people tell me its brilliant as instrumental and it doesnt need lyrics and while I agree, the truth is 99% of population wont even really listen unless lyrics and vocals (good) are involved.

    I get stuck on the album, it is that good. Ive done probably 20 albums so far and this makes those albums hard to listen to. I am truly a humble person but a so eager with this album sitting i my hands, I know it can truly be something and go somewhere if I could just get someone to listen to it.

    I havent really showed anyone this yet except for a few tracks to a few people who don't even really listen to or appreciate music and they liked it alot. My one friend who is very critical to music said he couldnt believe it was me.

    Im not trying to talk it up above what it is, but I am looking for a serious lyricist who doesnt mind submitting lyrics and seeing what I can do with them. The lyricist gets total control of the lyrics and credit. If any money is generated from any record deals or selling records, they will be compensated but given no rights to the music or songs, just the lyrics itself. The documentation will be legally agreed and bound to of course and notarized ( I will take care of all that will just need signature.

    I am getting into all this up front because I want someone to realize how serious I am about this piece. I do not want false inquiries or hesitation for me stealing rights to lyrics, thats not my thing. If you can please send me pre copyrighted lyrics just for your own safety and please do not post them in the forum here, send privately through email. Do not submit work that isnt yours or that you dont have full ownership of. Do nt submit work that is bound to other persons or organizations, or anything youve already sold. I wouldnt wanna get sued for any material just because you previously had sold it and sent it to me.

    The album cover will display credits to lyrics same as each CD. The lyricist will get free copy of CD and is more than welcome to help distribute, or aide in selling the music as you will generate comission and be tied to any deals if the music sells. The music will sell if i I can figure out how and who to give it a listen. I have no ties in the music industry just someone that owns own studio and writes/produces own music for own satisfaction. This album is merely too good for me to horde it to myself, I really want it to be heard.

    Again please only serious inquiries, I want someone who can have all the songs wrote out very quickly if not already written. If you have old work laying around, please feel free to send it .

    I prefer someone who can write lyrics on entire album, not just a track or two. Since the album flows so must the lyrics, not a random assortment of different artists thrown together.

    Feel free to have the lyrics tell a story or not even have any break inbetween tracks/songs, this would actually be even better.

    I love concept albums and this one pretty much is, while there are breaks in the music they flow brilliantly piece to piece.

    sorry for huge long message but I did not want to go through typing full details to each individual who inquires to me in email, so I am displaying the details up front to get right to point.

    please email me ASAP.

    if you prefer to talk on phone first prior about cd or hearing clips thats fine let me know

    thanks for reading all this, hope you are interested.
  2. shadowtouch said:


    Ok mate, I'm actually pretty interested in helping you with the lyrics, but not mainly for the dough, just for the ride and experience. If u could send me a sample of ur music, I maybe could help. I mainly do rock and hip-hop lyrics, but I can do anyfing else too.