plz heeeeeeeeeelp. mustafa sandal

Thread: plz heeeeeeeeeelp. mustafa sandal

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  1. harir's Avatar

    harir said:

    Default plz heeeeeeeeeelp. mustafa sandal

    #7 (permalink)

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    Send a private message Mustafa Sandal - En Büyük Hikaye (The Biggest Story)

    Beni herkesten daha fazla // She knows me more than everyone
    O tanıyor çoktan beri // since a long time
    Biliyor bütün zaaflarımı // She knows my all weaknesses
    Teker teker kullanıyor // She uses them one by one

    Ve aşk hain // And love is disloyal
    Zayıf düşme // Don't get weak
    Çok söylendim kendime // I complained to myself very much
    Aslında en büyük hikaye // Actually the biggest story
    İnsan yalancı kendine // Human is liar to himself/herself

    Özledim o zalimin sesini soluğunu // I missed the voice and breath of cruel
    Yansa da canım yansa // Even if it hurts
    Bekledim hayalini ah geceler boyu // I waited for her dream for nights
    Kalsa da yarım kalsa // Even if it mires down
    Bir gün elbet son bulur ya // Surely it will end one day
    Görünür kara sevda // Blind love appears

    Özledim o zalimin sesini soluğunu
    Yansa da canım yansa
    Bekledim hayalini ah geceler koyu // I waited for her dream ah nights are dark
    Kalsa da yarım kalsa
    Bir gün elbet son bulur ya
    Çözülür kara sevda // Blind love works out

    Yavaş geldi pişmanlık // Regret came slowly
    Öyle soğuk ki yalnızlık // Loneliness is so cold
    Solgun resimler misali // Like colorless pictures
    Zorlasam da parlamıyor // It doesn't shine even though I force

    Ve aşk hain
    Sakın küsme
    Çok söylendim kendime
    Aslında en büyük hikaye
    İnsan yalancı kendine
    Hi every one.I trying to understand but it seems impossible.plz help me.what does he wanna say???????
    Last edited by harir; 02-15-2011 at 12:47 PM.
  2. hope_au said:


    As with most pop songs, nothing much really... The start of the song talks about how much he misses his ex-girlfriend even though she hurt him really badly.

    But the second part can be taken in two ways:
    1 - He's done something to lose her - hence the regret.
    2 - He should have accepted her going away and not be upset with "love". He should have moved on earlier rather than living a lonely life. So he is saying the biggest tale is the one that people tell themselves (i.e. she'll come back one day).

    I am leaning more towards option 2 with this song, I'd be interested to learn of other's opinions.
    Noktayı koymuşsan bir kere, çevirmeyeceksin virgüle.
  3. harir's Avatar

    harir said:

    Default I think he says about missing his ex-GF and he is telling lie to himself that(she'll come back one day).and he hope that some day it will end and i fall in love the end he is sad and hopeless again;thinking of his ex-GF.but I say this acording to the english translation I do not understand turkish at all.
  4. harir's Avatar

    harir said:


    and my second opinion:he misses her and complaining of his feeling cause that girl was cruel to him and he hope that his love feel longing to him and she will come bach.I mean Görünür kara sevda // Blind love appears ; is about returning that girl.and at the end he says that his love will be regreting.I DO NOT GET THIS: Zorlasam da parlamıyor // It doesn't shine even though I force.
  5. harir's Avatar

    harir said:


    I want to kill Mustafa Sandal.why is he singing these words trough such a great melody?
  6. hope_au said:


    Like I metioned, it's a pop song, don't expect too much from it I listen to pop songs for the melody.

    I always find that rock songs and ballads have more meaning. Even heavy metal...
    Noktayı koymuşsan bir kere, çevirmeyeceksin virgüle.