Demedim Mi By Rumi

Thread: Demedim Mi By Rumi

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  1. Auliadi Ahmad said:

    Default Demedim Mi By Rumi

    HELP ME !

    Demedim mi?

    Oraya gitme demedim mi sana,
    seni yalnız ben tanırım demedim mi?
    Demedim mi bu yokluk yurdunda hayat çeşmesi ben'im?

    Bir gün kızsan bana,
    alsan başını,
    yüz bin yıllık yere gitsen,
    dönüp kavuşacağın yer ben'im demedim mi?

    Demedim mi şu görünene razı olma,
    demedim mi sana yaraşır otağı kuran ben'im asıl,
    onu süsleyen, bezeyen ben'im demedim mi?

    Ben bir denizim demedim mi sana?
    Sen bir balıksın demedim mi?
    Demedim mi o kuru yerlere gitme sakın,
    senin duru denizin ben'im demedim mi?

    Kuşlar gibi tuzağa gitme demedim mi?
    Demedim mi senin uçmanı sağlayan ben'im,
    senin kolun kanadın ben'im demedim mi?

    Demedim mi yolunu vururlar senin,
    demedim mi soğuturlar seni.
    Oysa senin ateşin ben'im,
    sıcaklığın ben'im demedim mi?

    Türlü şeyler derler sana demedim mi?
    Kötü huylar edinirsin demedim mi?
    Ölmezlik kaynağını kaybedersin demedim mi?
    Yani beni kaybedersin demedim mi?

    Söyle, bunları sana hep demedim mi?
  2. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    There are many different translations of this work in English. If you search for Rumi "Didn't I tell you", you can find more.
    Some of these lines are not quite the same as the Turkish one you gave, but maybe it will help for now:

    Didn't I Tell You (from

    Didn't I tell you
    not to go to that place?
    It is me, who is your intimate friend.
    In this imaginary plain of non-existence,
    I am your spring of eternal life.

    Even if you lose yourself in wrath
    for a hundred thousand years,
    at the end you will discover,
    it is me, who is the culmination of your dreams.

    Didn't I tell you
    not to be satisfied with the veil of this world?
    I am the master illusionist,
    it is me, who is the welcoming banner at the gate of your contentment.

    Didn't I tell you?
    I am an ocean, you are a fish;
    do not go to the dry land,
    it is me, who is your comforting body of water.

    Didn't I tell you
    not to fall in this trap like a blind bird?
    I am your wings, I am the strength in your wings,
    I am the wind keeping you in flight.

    Didn't I tell you
    that they will kidnap you from the path?
    They will steal your warmth,
    and take your devotion away.
    I am your fire, I am your heartbeat,
    I am the life in your breath.

    Didn't I tell you?
    They will accuse you of all the wrongdoings,
    they will call you ugly names,
    they will make you forget
    it is me, who is the source of your happiness.

    Didn't I tell you?
    Wonder not, how your life will turn out,
    how you will ever get your world in order,
    it is me, who is your omnipresent creator.

    If your are a guiding torch of the heart,
    know the path to that house.
    If you are a person of God, know this,
    It is me, who is the chief of the village of your life.

    Just another example:
    I hope it helps.