mente en blanco - voz de mando

Thread: mente en blanco - voz de mando

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  1. Tracionera said:

    Default mente en blanco - voz de mando

    translate to english pls

    Ando con la mente en blanco, ya me tocaron la sangre,
    con fuerza me aguanto el llanto, el daño es irremediable,
    conmigo ya se enredaron, les dijo Gonzalo aunque traigan un padre
    y desde los sacrosantos porque de la muerte no van a salvarse.

    Me destape otra buchanan's, ahora me tocan a mi,
    ya me subi a la blindada, me traje la artilleria,
    traigo de todas las balas, viene la plebada, voy de caceria,
    la presa ya esta ubicada, como tiro al blanco los tengo en la mira.

    Como me hierve la sangre, me duele lo que me hicieron,
    pagaran por traicionarme, tendran que lidiar con eso,
    traigo bastante coraje, pa' que me torearon ya estoy en el ruedo,
    mataron gente inocente, que ni la debian, pagaran por eso.

    Traigo el diablo en la mirada y la voz no se me corta,
    para seguir ordenando, a los hombres que me escoltan,
    las manos me estan temblando,
    pero no de miedo es porque no se cortan,
    las rafagaz de los cuernos
    que estan respondiendo a los que me traicionan.

    Ando listo pal combate, traigo el mejor armamento,
    son mas de 300 gentes, las que navego en el ruedo,
    las traigo con anti-tanques
    tambien con basookas, chalecos y cuernos,
    pa' pegarles en la madre, yo no tengo tregua ni soy traicionero.

    Soy de la raza del Mayo, con el Niño sigo firme,
    en Culiacán me la paso, donde nací he de morirme,
    traigo a todos mis muchachos, ando bien armado,
    nunca olviden esto,
    por cierto yo soy Gonzalo, mi clave es el 11,
    soy el Macho Prieto.
  2. khanzat said:



    My mind is blank, now they went for my family
    Although it's hard, I manage not to cry. The harm is unreparaible.
    "Now you make it personal" said Gonzalo "And even if you bring a priest,
    nothing will save you from dying"

    I open another bottle of whisky, now it's my time.
    I ride my aormored car, I'm bringing my guns.
    I have all kind of bullets, the [poor] people is coming, I am on a hunt.
    I have my prey localized, I have them on my sights as if this was target practice

    My blood is raging, how it hurts everything they've done to me.
    They will pay for betraying me, they will have to accept it.
    I'm very brave, if they want to fight me I am in the bullring
    They killed innocent people, they'll pay for it.

    I have the devil in my eyes and my voice isn't weak
    so I can give orders to the men that are with me.
    My hands tremble,
    but not because of fear, it's because
    the guns that are aiming to those that betray me
    don't stop shooting.

    I'm ready for the fight, I bring the best weapons.
    I have more than 300 with me,
    armed with weapons for tanks [I don't know the translation, it means special weapons to stop tanks like propeled grenades]
    bazookas, vests [bullet-proof ones] and guns.
    To beat them to scraps. I won't agree to a truce, I'm not treacherous, either.

    I'm from the kind of the Revolution of May, I'm still with 'The Niño'
    I live in Culiacán, I'll die where I was born.
    I bring all my people with me, I'm well armed.
    Never forget it.
    By the way, I'm Gonzalo, my number is 11.
    I'm the Macho Prieto.