Forever Jay?!

Thread: Forever Jay?!

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  1. ctoffer said:

    Default Forever Jay?!

    Im trying to find the name of the group and song from about 1993. I think I've might have got the lyrics wrong and I can barely remember fractures of the lyrics.

    end of verse:
    "If you touch me I'll be changed
    Forever Jay"

    "She said kiss, me kiss me
    <instrumental part>
    Forever Jay"

    I've attached notes of the chorus as I remember it. Could it be a british band perhaps?
    Attached Images
  2. dieRooie said:


    What kind of music is it? I mean what style? Man or woman as singer? Any more clues?
  3. ctoffer said:


    It's a male singer, but i think a female is singing just the "kiss me, kiss me" part. It could be britpop, kind of slow

    Any help would be highly appreciated
  4. scwooddrake said:

    Smile Forever J

    Quote Originally Posted by ctoffer
    It's a male singer, but i think a female is singing just the "kiss me, kiss me" part. It could be britpop, kind of slow

    Any help would be highly appreciated
    Hi! In case you are still wondering the singer is Terry Hall and the title of the song is Forever J. It was included in Terry Hall's first solo album (Home) that was released in1994.
    I hope that helped you.
    Bye. Steve
  5. ctoffer said:


    Thanks alot!