car commercial

Thread: car commercial

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  1. asisme said:

    Question car commercial

    I need to know the song in the commercial with all the same cars driving around, at one point some of the cars drive into a parking garage and that is all I can explain right now! Anyone know?
  2. Lobs said:


    I know the commercial it the one where the cars play hide and seek ?? they back into little spaces etc ? ...can you remember what car it is ...cos I can't lol
  3. asisme said:


    Thats it!! Too bad we have no Idea what kind of car it is. I wanna say a ford but who knows?
  4. Vette's Avatar

    Vette said:


    Are you looking for the title and artist of the song that's playing during the commercial or are you just looking for the car make and model?
  5. asisme said:


    I would like the artist and title but the make of car would do also. Do you have any helpful info?
  6. Vette's Avatar

    Vette said:


    I'm working on it.
  7. asisme said:


    Vetta, you're the SH*T, even if you dont find it! Thanks for your help!!
  8. Phoenix101 said:

    Thumbs up

    Help is coming your way.
  9. asisme said:


    I appreciate all the help from everyone!! I never expected any of this. So, thanks to...... lobs, vette, and phoenix!!!! You all rock!
  10. majorTom said:


    sup ppl. next time you wanna find it!
    the car is a corsa. it is not available in the u.s. of a.
    i decided that i am too lazy to find out which song they used. hehe
    here is the link to the add
    alright. peace
  11. asisme said:


    Well Major Tom, actually the car is the new volkswagon cabrio, still dont know the song but I'm getting there slowly!!
  12. gorilla0607 said:


    roflmao that commercial is funny
    srry i dont know what the song is but good luck
    3 Hugs
    2 Kisses
    1 Luv
  13. asisme said:


    alright, well I found the song about two months ago...... 'The birds and the bees' by "Patrick and Eugene" Thanks to everyone who took the time to care!