Please help me

Thread: Please help me

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  1. Alexis Koukoulas said:

    Default Please help me

    Hi allthelyrcis community...For about 7 years im searching for a trance song i used to listen..SO i recorded the main melody of the song as i remember it with my synthesizer and please if anyone knows this song post me its name ..Any help would really make me happy

    Here is the link to the soundcloud account i made to upload the recording...sorry for the bad audio by the way
  2. Brendan said:


    PPK - Rezurrection. 100% sure of it.
  3. Alexis Koukoulas said:


    MAN I WISH I COULD SHOW YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU <33333333333333333 i've been searching this for 6 years thank you so much DDDDDDDD